
Short Track
Oct 3, 2017
Too far east
If you can sit at the range with your 300 mag, & practice all day. That's great. I can't do it anymore.
My cleanest kill this year was a .243 95g Ballistic Tip. White tails don't go very far with a .243


Dec 11, 2020
I can attest that the AB fired from a 25-06, 280, or 300 WM works quite well if the pronghorn is hit well. I switched to them when they became available and that is the only bullet that I now use for pronghorns and mule deer.
I have always had nice sized exit holes and quick humane kills.


Sep 6, 2018
Haven’t hunted antelope, but I’ve taken a hog 75yds, and a medium size whitetail buck 300yds, with 165 g accubonds from a 30-06. Two holes both times, one bullet size and one quarter size. Both animals fell over where they stood and had almost zero meat damage. Sounds like they work for me.
Nov 30, 2021
Accubonds are great for antelope and I doubt that they just blew right through the antelope without expanding. Antelope are a lot tougher than many folks give them credit for and it would not surprise me in the least that you had to shoot this one three times although from the sounds of it the antelope should have been dead on it's feet after the second shot. I've shot a lot of critters with the Accubond and the performance has been just perfect. Nice expansion and usually exit holes.

I have shot them into water jugs as another way to test and evaluate them for expansion, penetration, and weight retention and from 25 - 500 yards they just work and work very well. I had a buddy shoot an antelope with his 45-70 at about 200 yards. Hit it perfectly behind the shoulder in the lungs and it never even acted like it was hit after absorbing that big old bullet. The buck ran about 100 yards before it dropped. My father shot an antelope with his 7mm Remington and 160 gr. Nosler Partition in the neck. This was a medium size doe. He missed the spine and got the main artery. This little doe ran about 400 yards before she fell!

I would continue to use the Accubond with confidence.
Mind if I ask are you referring to the accubond long ranges? Or just the old school accubond thanks!
Jun 23, 2015
Shooting 140 AB in a 6.5 PRC and been very happy with not only accuracy but terminal performance as well.


Aug 10, 2022
I handload, and use Nosler Accubonds.
150 grains for both my 30-06, and .308 Win.
I’ve taken many deer with them and never had any problems with them performing as they’re supposed to.
I’ve only recovered two bullets, (both frontal, quartering to me), and they both were approximately 65% of their original weight which is right there with Nosler’s claims. All the rest were behind the shoulder type shots and were complete pass throughs with the longest run of about forty yards before they expired. Largest exit was about 2”.
Never have I had any problems with blood trails with them either.
Just how I want them.
My brother In-law uses those Winchester Deer Season XPs in his 270 and they explode on a deer. He loves them, but the difference in bloodshot meat is crazy.