Absaroka users. How do you like it?


Apr 3, 2014
Sullivan, MO.
Looking for some opinions from the ones running an Absaroka.
How close can you get it to the ground.
Also if any of you use the half liner would like to hear some opinions on that as well.
How well does it stand up to the weather etc.
When you put a stove in what length of pipe are you using? Have you had any burn spots from embers from the stove pipe?

Looking for a shelter for 2nd rifle Elk in CO.
Jun 6, 2024
I lived out of mine for 17 days continuously last October while guiding. Utah mountains at 9000’ in temps from 80 degrees down to 20 with 8 inches of snow the last 3 days. We had some wild windy days and that snowstorm come through but the tent performed awesome. You can pitch it a few inches off the ground or flat with no gap. I never had to tighten the guy lines or play with it which was a surprise if you listen to some of the outdoor podcasts that bash argali or non dyneema tents. Only issue I came across was that 8 inches of wet snow added enough weight that the carbon center pole split at one of the buttons. Didnt break or catastrophically fail and argali replaced it no questions asked. Very happy with my argali tent.