A slice of Nevada

Travis Bertrand

Super Moderator
Staff member
Mar 9, 2012
For the wondering minds what this state looks like, here are a few photos from a recent trip.




That last group of canyon walls looks like a place I chased chucker northwest of Pyramid Lake. I do miss Nevada. Lots of land to roam amd many hot spots can be found if you can put in the windshield time.
That last group of canyon walls looks like a place I chased chucker northwest of Pyramid Lake. I do miss Nevada. Lots of land to roam amd many hot spots can be found if you can put in the windshield time.

Not the same spot;) there is a ton of land here like you said, windshield time and luck!
Whenever I tell people I'm from Reno I get the same reaction. Most think Reno is close to Vegas. A simple Tahoe reference seems to work well. Reno is a great place to live and NV is a awesome place to live if you are a outdoorsman. So many opportunities in the state. Quiet...... don't tell anyone.
Whenever I tell people I'm from Reno I get the same reaction. Most think Reno is close to Vegas. A simple Tahoe reference seems to work well. Reno is a great place to live and NV is a awesome place to live if you are a outdoorsman. So many opportunities in the state. Quiet...... don't tell anyone.

Aww. Fellow renoian! How many times do you get from out of town friends, " we are coming to Vegas, do you want to meet up for dinner?"?
I think Reno CAN be a good place but Idaho is calling my families name. I think we will end up there within a few years, I would like to burn my points here before we go, I don't want to be in that non res category! Resident is hard enough to draw!
I grew up there leaving a couple years after UNR. Now living in CO I do realize how special NV really is. I can remember hunting for and week never ever seeing another soul for a week regardless of the species I was chasing. Birds or things on the hoof. Perhaps I simply have not found those places yet in CO, but my man this place is crawling with peeps everywhere. I have found it very hard to really get away from the crowds. Public lands in CO can't compete with those in NV.

Tags are difficult to come by though in NV. Burn them up. I never got to. Still can't believe my friend got his sheep tag while at Reno HS. Some guys have all the luck.

Great pics! Getting me excited to do some scouting drew an elk tag in idaho on the border. Ready to scout some new country I've never been down that way.