I'm a Remington fan myself but hard to find now. I bought my kids a Weatherby Vanguard in .243. Smooth action and it's a small rifle made for kids. It's a couple hundred more than $500 but I think it'll be a great rifle for the kids.Not to hijack the thread, but any recommendations on make/model? Most of my rifles are Remington 700/7/7600 and I am drawn that way. I am looking for a good value for my son in something he will use. If he scratches it, no big deal. I think I am leaning toward a Howa 1500 for something different. I have handled the Savage Axis and I am not a fan. The Ruger Americans I have been around are shooters for sure. What would you go to for a $400-$500ish gun?
The 7mm-08 is pretty close to the .270, but with less recoil. That’s the option I went with for my son at 10 (he’s 13 now) don’t regret that one bit…he also successfully took a cow elk at 120yards with that cartridge. I know you mentioned undecided on a rifle brand, but the 7mm-08 in a tikka t3x compact is great for the shorter barrel and lop, and can be adjusted as he grows.i'm mentally settling in between a 7mm-08 and a 270 winchester. If I want more punch a 270 WSM would get it done too...
I don't know much about the 7mm-08 but like my 7 RM
I would chose out of this list but add 7-08 to the list. 7-08 is one of the most underrated cartridges out there IMO. excellent round!He's a kid, dont go to big with the caliber's yet.
Also in a few years when he's a broke ass teenager. He will appreciate a gun that shoots cheap ammo, that you can buy anywhere. That screams 243/creedmor/308 to me