A good waxed jacket ? Help me out

Has to be extremely tight weave. Gore Tex wears out. Canvas can be retreated numerous times. Gore Tex is nowhere as durable, at least not in the working forest. It also blocks wind and in general is far more durable.
A solid waxed jacket is as good as a schvitz!

Not to ask a dumb question…..but is that what a “waxed jacket” really is? A canvas jacket with a wax application to make it waterproof?

What advantage would that have over a modern facbric like goretex? Is it simply appearance.….like a fashion statement?

As has been stated- Goretex, like all synthetics, are really throw away items. The only thing that Goretex and similar products are better at then waxed cotton canvas for instance- is weight. They are not “waterproof”- rubber is waterproof.
Take the best layered “breathable waterproof” jackets and pants, and shoot on a range for a few hours with them. Going into prone, getting dirt/mud/debris ground into the knees and elbows, small abrasions, etc., it will start leaking from those places first and never be waterproof again. Even “reviving” goretex does not bring it back to its original waterproofness. They are fragile and have a limited lifespan.

In contrast, while a good waxed cotton canvas is a bit heavier, it suffers no degradation at all from dirt and debris. After heavy use, the wax wears off and needs to be rewaxed. Once rewaxed, it is as good as it ever was. Waxed correctly, it is truly waterproof. Additionally, one can vary the amount of wax and modify how breathable the fabric is- wash it for summer and it’s a durable, breathable jacket. Wax it for winter and it’s water and windproof.
Not to ask a dumb question…..but is that what a “waxed jacket” really is? A canvas jacket with a wax application to make it waterproof?

What advantage would that have over a modern facbric like goretex? Is it simply appearance.….like a fashion statement?
Durability. Mine gets used in really nasty temps with wind or light precip on construction jobsites, so I can assure you it's not just a fashion statement. The wax helps keep dirt from getting trapped in the fabric, helps with wind blocking, and of course turns away moisture.
Had a Filson double tin coat. Hated it. Too big in the body. Did not care for the snaps. I bought gore-Tex instead.
Take a look at the LL Bean offerings. Not sure if they still make the same one anymore, but I picked one up around 10 years ago (maybe called a Field Jacket?) and it's still great, and I don't rewax it as often as I do with my Barbour stuff. Probably going to have half the price of a Filson.

I have the un waxed version and love it. I beat it up pretty bad in the south Texas brush country. Mine is probably 6-8 years old and still in good shape.
I have a bit of a waxed cotton jacket thing. TBH I want to say they are great for outdoor adventures or chores, but IMO there are better options for both. Hard to imagine taking my +4# filson tin jacket on a long back country hunt. For general chores, I think a decent carhartt is more bang for the buck. With that in mind:

- fjallraven - G1000. cool designs. Not at all whether prof without a lot of wax and even then they are iffy. Expect to pay $$$
- outback trading - good price. Shows up ready to wear - as in pretreated with wax. Stinks a bit. Good balance of breath ability and weatherproofness. Thier deer hunter is my current favorite chore coat.
- barbour - nice. Classy. Durability better suited for around town. if you buy, look on eBay for used. Much cheaper and you may get something with a nice patina. I have one that is my favorite around town winter coat.
- filson - mine a been tough as hell. Double tin packer was too much jacket for me. I have a field jacket and a tin trucker style jacket. They are cool pieces but they are heavy and don’t breath for shit. I mean the inside is coated and dripping with sweat condensation like the inside of a tent after some exertion. I love them, but they hardly ever get the call for serious work. They aren’t cheap and they stink a bit.
I have a waxed jacket from Wintergreen out of Ely Minnesota. It’s fantastic. A great all-around layer and a jacket I use nearly daily for 3 seasons. It wasn’t cheap, but it’s a buy it for life piece. I don’t use it for backpacking, just day trips. Love the durability and the look.
As has been stated- Goretex, like all synthetics, are really throw away items. The only thing that Goretex and similar products are better at then waxed cotton canvas for instance- is weight. They are not “waterproof”- rubber is waterproof.
Take the best layered “breathable waterproof” jackets and pants, and shoot on a range for a few hours with them. Going into prone, getting dirt/mud/debris ground into the knees and elbows, small abrasions, etc., it will start leaking from those places first and never be waterproof again. Even “reviving” goretex does not bring it back to its original waterproofness. They are fragile and have a limited lifespan.

In contrast, while a good waxed cotton canvas is a bit heavier, it suffers no degradation at all from dirt and debris. After heavy use, the wax wears off and needs to be rewaxed. Once rewaxed, it is as good as it ever was. Waxed correctly, it is truly waterproof. Additionally, one can vary the amount of wax and modify how breathable the fabric is- wash it for summer and it’s a durable, breathable jacket. Wax it for winter and it’s water and windproof.
Form, what waxed jacket/s you running?

And do you treat your Red Kettle, or just leave as-is?
Form, what waxed jacket/s you running?

And do you treat your Red Kettle, or just leave as-is?

I have used a few- mostly Fjallravens and a waxed First Spear smock. However, I almost exclusively use the Red Kettle now. No I don’t use wax on it as that would defeat the material properties.
As of yesterday, Orvis had a sweet sale on some real nice Barbour jackets. I would check that out.
Thursday boots also just came out with one. Not much for pockets but it's not really advertised as a work jacket.
I have 2 older Filson Tin cloth coats, the packer and the shorter style, I have worn the shorter one with wool liner almost daily during hound seasons for probably 20 years or so & it looks rough but works great for its purpose. I had the factory refurbish it once and they did a nice job patching the holes etc. I haven't looked at the new ones, first I'm told they are now overseas garbage, and 2nd... $$$$!!!

The old Filsons are a work/utility coat.....wear it for anything else and you'll hate it.
This thread has been an eye opener. I have a couple older Filson, none of which are on their website...disappointing.

I knew of Shaefer and Barbour, none of the others. I definitely fell down the rabbit hole.
I think fjallraven has a waxed jacket or two

I’ve got this one and love it.

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