And with the very rare exception they were worn out and died very young before arthritis kicked in! Also didn't have the crappy toxic processed diet wee do and their bodies were probably more resilient because of it as let's face it, even though Darwin wasn't around yet, his theories rang true and there weren't very many weak ones that survived childhood!They also began their training with bow and horse when they were 3 years old. The younger women in the tribe were given this task. One thing that is not often brought up is that the women in these plains tribes were also very capable archers and horsemen. In fact it was also their duty to protect the tribe when the men were away raiding and hunting.
I also agree that we really can't comprehend how tough these people where. They had no modern amenities. They scraped and fought for their survival constantly. This, as every army they went up against found out, made them incredibly hard and capable men.