Well, going to up-set a few here, Yes, a nine can kill a deer (hell you can kill a deer with a club, probably do a better job than a 9mm) Is there better cals in side arms for deer yep, this sounds like an ego thing to me, make a bad shot and the deer suffers for someone who is on an ego trip (I see it now sitting in a bar with your buds, I only wounded three or four before I found one) This is an ethics thing, we as hunters are obligated to the animals we hunt in the fact we owe them a quick death (does it always happen no but it's not intentional or due to lack of proper hunting cals.) Can I stop you no, But do wish a local game warden does and chaps your bank account very well, but remember there are more folks than we know about who haunt hunting sites looking for this type of discussion and will eventually use this type of thing against all hunters and hunting. Be sure to make a video of your poor choices and post it for all to see.