7wt or 8wt fly rod; I have 5wt’s

Feb 16, 2015
I have 2 5wts (9’ Sage One, and an 8.5’ Orvis Recon). With Covid we’ve been family camping more on lakes this summer and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon as we have enjoyed this summer a lot. Problem is Lakes in Colorado in the summer = windy and I like streamer fishing!

I decided I need to add a heavier rod to my kit after trying to throw a streamer with a dropper this weekend in My kick boat, with probably a 10mph wind...I was useless and just ended up trolling it and paddling around.

7wt or 8wt?

Medium fast or fast action for primary lake use and streamers?

What brand and rod do you like or would you pick?
9’ or 9.5’?

Good budget, but nothing silly over $1k for a rod. Leaning towards trying an Orvis Helios, or a Sage X to give you an idea of where I’m looking?

Reel and line suggestions appreciated too if you have a setup you prefer.
I'd get a fast 6 or 7. This would let you have a good spare stream rod for rivers. 8wt would work but would be overkill for most trout fishing. Guess the nice thing about the 8wt would be you'd have a good all-around saltwater rod if you ever went bonefishing or schoolie stripers/blues
I have an 8wt, I use it for silvers and pike but I’ve also caught lots of trout and grayling on it when they were biting.

for Colorado, I’d probably get a 7wt between the.

mid never buy an orvis rod, they are overpriced, made overseas and there is almost always something better for the $$$ they are like the vortex scope of fly rods, I can’texpress it enough, don’t spend your money on an orvis.

get a Scott, sage, Winston or a loop.
A good 6 will throw a big streamer a lot better than a 5 and I wouldn’t want to go too big for trout(I’m assuming that’s your target), otherwise it might be like catching a bluegill on a 5wt.

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I agree. I fish for spotted bass and big carp all summer with a fast 6. I haven’t bought a new rod in a few years, but the Redington Predator used to be a nice rod for under 300.00. My 6 is a Scott A4 and I’ve been happy with it.
Y'all are killing me with the Vortex hate lately.
JUST bought a pair of 15x56's, just sayin.

And all I know about fly fishing is a 3wt and some
popping bugs.
Also take a look at tfo rods, good customer service and no questions warranty. I’d definitely go with 6wt I have a 8 that I would never use for trout. It’s even way overkill on 4-5lb smallmouth.

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I have an 8wt, I use it for silvers and pike but I’ve also caught lots of trout and grayling on it when they were biting.

for Colorado, I’d probably get a 7wt between the.

mid never buy an orvis rod, they are overpriced, made overseas and there is almost always something better for the $$$ they are like the vortex scope of fly rods, I can’texpress it enough, don’t spend your money on an orvis.

get a Scott, sage, Winston or a loop.

Thanks. Google is telling me that Scott makes a good rod which I don’t own. My dad has a Winston 9’ 5wt that I will inherit someday as he will never get rid of it, and I have the sage one 9’ 5wt..:so maybe it’s time to try a Scott.
Also take a look at tfo rods, good customer service and no questions warranty. I’d definitely go with 6wt I have a 8 that I would never use for trout. It’s even way overkill on 4-5lb smallmouth.

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I will give TFO a look, I know a guy that has a few and says they’re great. I had forgot about them, thanks for mentioning.
Over the last 20 years guiding in Alaska I’ve seen just about everything. I run 6 or 8 for trout/char/Grayling depending on the river system. My clients sent 15 or so 4wts to hell; same number of 5wt; 6 wts are dying but not as fast.
8s for big streamers and big water like the Naknek and Alaknak. An 8 wt would be fine if you are getting a fair number of bigger trout. 7 will work as well.
I like fast action rods and in no particular order I like Winston, Sage one, SCOTT, TFO, G Loomis.
I am not a fan of the Orvis rods, seen many broken on 25” class rainbows by experienced anglers. Had a guy I’m taking to the airport today break an 8 wt on a silver this morning.
Thanks. Google is telling me that Scott makes a good rod which I don’t own. My dad has a Winston 9’ 5wt that I will inherit someday as he will never get rid of it, and I have the sage one 9’ 5wt..:so maybe it’s time to try a Scott.
I have the A3, A4, G2 (incredible dry fly rod), and an S4s 10wt I use for stripers, permit, and small tarpon. Scott builds a nice rod.
For the size trout im thinking your going after in a kick boat a 10ft 6 or 7 wt with a fast action should be perfect. I think an 8 would be overkill for those fish
I have sage response in 6 and 8. The 6 is my do it all warm water rod that I’ve put a ton of miles on but at some point in the future I’m moving to a 7wt. Here’s a 32” channel cat on the 6wt, red & white clouser.
Orvis out. I know enough of you use gear hard and even one mention of vortex and breaking and I am out. I am more of a kifaru and Swarovski guy.

I am leaning towards the sage X and in 7wt. Ross reel with rio line (of course), unless anyone has another reel suggestion.
I have an 8wt, I use it for silvers and pike but I’ve also caught lots of trout and grayling on it when they were biting.

for Colorado, I’d probably get a 7wt between the.

mid never buy an orvis rod, they are overpriced, made overseas and there is almost always something better for the $$$ they are like the vortex scope of fly rods, I can’texpress it enough, don’t spend your money on an orvis.

get a Scott, sage, Winston or a loop.

Damn. I hope you are wrong. I have 2 Orvis rods and they both state MADE IN USA. I thought is was NH or somewhere in the Northeast. I would NOT have purchased if they weren't made here. I'm gonna say to market and stamp gear MADE IN USA and be fraudulently making it overseas would have to carry a penalty of some sort.

To say they are the "Vortex" of fly rods-nah man. That's going way too far. They make top line quality fly gear. The clothing is def not my style, but were talking fly rods.
I have a 7wt 9’ SAGE rod that I originally bought when I lived in Colorado, and I kept right on using when I moved to Alaska over thirty years ago.

I am an avid Alaskan fly fisher, and that 7wt is the only rod that I have used up here all these years with one exception that is mentioned later. I packraft some of the best fishing waters in our state (sockeye, silvers, rainbows, char, dollies, etc., and I have never felt like I needed an 8 or 9wt. I do also have a SAGE four-piece 4wt that I take backpacking for grayling.

I think you would see more wide use from a 7wt.