7WSM Deer Bullet

I favor Tahoe's insight.

Am a long-time 7 mag guy with a 7wsm. The 7wsm shoots 195 EOLs @ 3.24" coal like a laser but no interest. I'd rather shoot 165 TGKs seated at 3.10" (or less if SA receiver length). Any 7 mag is A LOT of gun for deer! For perspective, I shoot whitetails with a 223 and for mule deer a 22CM or 6mm (max). Going big has consequences incl more carry weight, recoil, bang, game damage.

Am also nutty about game care and prep. Many of the bullets mentioned here will grenade in a deer’s body cavity at common/realistic whitetail shooting distances. Expect big exit holes and extensive meat trauma when shooting frag bullets.

As a 7wsm fan, and supposing your barrel twist is 1:9 or faster, my fav bullets would be in order of any Barnes, Norma 165 Bondstrike, Sierra 165 TGK. If a short action and you want the complete package for deer/elk and extended shooting distances, favor the Bondstrike and TGK bullets. Both are crazy true and accurate - same concept as Accubonds, but better in every category. Both bullets are newer, so following is limited.

Hope this helps!
I think i've decided to go with a 160 Accubond. Any recommendations I hear H4831sc works real well with the 7WSM i'm not a chasing speed.
Great bullet those Accubonds. H4831 is what my father used in his 7mm Mag and all he ever used. It's a great powder and the H4831SC just makes it even better with getting more powder in a case.
Ok, so my accubond/partition find was a wash. Back to Barnes TTSX, Hornady CX, Nosler E-tip, and 160gr Grand Slams, also spoke with Steve at Hammer Hunter and he- suggested the 131gr hammer hunter.
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154 grain SSTs here in Missouri, 3150 out of my 23" barrel with Federal 210 primers, Winchester brass and a fairly mild load of A4350.
Another vote for the 160 accubond. I've taken coues at 650 yds and mulies as close as 50yards with a 7mag. Everything died fast. Finding them is harder than getting them to shoot. Try them with Reloder 23.
My 3 go to bullets for 7wsm
168 bergers
160 accubond cts
140 trophy bonded tip

For deer out to 500 hard to beat the 140 TBT fast flat and hits hard but nothing lays em down like the 168 berger it's lights out
In the process of gathering components for my 7WSM build which includes reloading equipment. Does anyone have any recommendations for a deer bullet.

My wife shoots 168 VLD in a 7wsm and it’s a hammer. She’s killed several whitetail and a caribou that dropped like a sack of rocks at 345 yards. Have yet to track an animal further than 30 yards.

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