Mar 10, 2025
Hey guys just got a 7 PRC built off an old Weatherby Vanguard action. My old Weatherby was a .257 wby mag. Just got the 7PRC back and took it to the range today to break in the barrel. Cleaned after every shot. I was shooting factory Hornady 180grain match ammo. It was spraying them everywhere. Was probably shooting a 3 inch group. On the 11th shot I noticed the bolt was a little heavy to lift. I looked at all 11 spent casings and noticed there was scarring all around the primer and the base of the casing. I didn’t shoot another round and took it back to my builder and he told me it looked like the rounds were loaded too hot. This is factory ammo. I do not reload. Does this sound correct or could there possibly be something wrong with the build. Any input would really help and be greatly appreciated.
Most factory 7PRC Hornady ammo is either overpressure and shoots like crap or really slow. Only their early lot numbers were decent before they couldn't source RL26. There's a few YouTube videos about it.

Try Federal ELDX. Worked for me!
A really good friend of mine called me just before last deer season. He had a 300 RUM and was shooting factory Hornady ammo. He had a primer lodged in the trigger. I took it apart and looked at the rest of his cases. It had blown the primer out of 5 cases and flattened the rest. He contacted Hornady and I think they sent him a new box.