7mm-08 150 gr accubonds?


Aug 26, 2019
I'm wanting to try 150 gr accubonds out of a 18" 7mm-08 1:9. Has anyone had any luck with something similar?
I’ve never seen a 150 AccuBond. Hen’s teeth, and I live in Oregon.

We’ve been shooting the 150 ELDX for years with great success. Elk, deer, antelope. Big Game powder and a magnum primer. From 100 to 400 yards but I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot to 600.

22.4” barrels, however. Tikkas.

I don't think you would have any problem with the 150 gr AB. My .280ai is 1/9 twist and shoots the 160s just fine.

I'm shooting 140 gr Gamekings from my Rem Mdl 7 (1/9.5 twist). I would probably go with the ABs for elk but stick with the GKs for anything smaller because they will work fine and are 1/2 the cost.
I’ll be loading up the 150 Accubond long range this weekend in a 7mm-08. Should be a good combo

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The 150 accubond isn't required with the performance of the 150 nbt in the 7mm08 in my opinion. If you were after elk/moose and expected shots sub 100 yards I can appreciate them more but the nbt is cheaper and kills well.
The 150ish grain cup and cores really shine in the 7mm08 and the 154 interlock is another often overlooked option that has been stacking game for friends and family since the 7mm08 was a wildcat.

With all that said if someone wanted to give me 150 accubonds I'd happily use them and not loose any sleep.
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Very good bullet. I shoot the 140 out of my 270 WSM. I saw a pile of 150 accubond factory loads in 7mm-08 at sportsman’s warehouse just a few days ago. I have also been shooting the Hornady eldx which is a very similar bullet at half the cost. Great results as well. My current dilemma is deciding between a 6.5 prc and 7mm-08 with a muzzle break for my kids.
Very good bullet. I shoot the 140 out of my 270 WSM. I saw a pile of 150 accubond factory loads in 7mm-08 at sportsman’s warehouse just a few days ago. I have also been shooting the Hornady eldx which is a very similar bullet at half the cost. Great results as well. My current dilemma is deciding between a 6.5 prc and 7mm-08 with a muzzle break for my kids.
I suggest skipping the muzzle break for the kids. If you reload, A mild load in the 7-08 will be just fine for the kids. I used to load 120s in the 7-08 for my boys when they were young. Or buy a 6.5CM and start out with the 123gr loads.
I suggest skipping the muzzle break for the kids. If you reload, A mild load in the 7-08 will be just fine for the kids. I used to load 120s in the 7-08 for my boys when they were young. Or buy a 6.5CM and start out with the 123gr loads.

I started my boy out with 120 BT and the starting load of Varget. Mild recoil but plenty of velocity.

Yeah, I’ve thought about that as well but it will be my gun when they are big enough to have their own with an adult stock. Currently borrowing my brothers 25-06 for cow elk hunts. I like muzzle breaks. They are loud but an affordable option vs a suppressor.
Very good bullet. I shoot the 140 out of my 270 WSM. I saw a pile of 150 accubond factory loads in 7mm-08 at sportsman’s warehouse just a few days ago. I have also been shooting the Hornady eldx which is a very similar bullet at half the cost. Great results as well. My current dilemma is deciding between a 6.5 prc and 7mm-08 with a muzzle break for my kids.
An accubond and ELDX are definitely not similar by any stretch, FWIW. Kids and muzzle breaks are not a good idea IMO.
I’ve shot them side by side out of the same gun, same powder and they hit the target the same. Dug them out of the dirt and they expand the same and can’t tell which one is accubond or eldx. Both have killed elk the same. Both are copper bonded bullets, both are boat tails, both have a polymer tip. Muzzle breaks are fine for kids, even better because they reduce the recoil significantly.
Yes, you’re right I’m having a brain fart at the moment with these two bullets. I was thinking of other bullets and my brain kept telling me eldx. 🤣

Also, to be completely honest. I don’t remember the bullets I’m trying to remember. I was knocked for a loop last July by a bull I was unloading for slaughter and since then there are some things that have been lost. Fractured elbow, staples in my head, and dang good concussion. It has affected my memory some regrettably. So, if anyone knows what bullets I might be thinking of I would appreciate it.
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Be careful about the velocity you need at impact. A 150 out of a 7-08 isn't going to be a screamer. And coming out of a short barrel doesn't help. I've had a few experiences with some of the older Nosler bullets just slipping right through like a pencil.
Be careful about the velocity you need at impact. A 150 out of a 7-08 isn't going to be a screamer. And coming out of a short barrel doesn't help. I've had a few experiences with some of the older Nosler bullets just slipping right through like a pencil.

Seems like the nosler accubonds expand well at 2000 fps. That still reaches out far

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