Ok. With reloading, never come out swinging for the fence on the first pitch ... grin. I always start in the Lands as that is where I want to stay, "providing the bullet of intent will fit mag box latitude" there is no pressure "spike" because I made sure to start with a modest charge weight regardless whether it be a naked bullet or Moly slicked and creep charge weight along in accords !
Now. Laying down Moly, depending on the barrels bore condition it may take six or more rounds to slick up and stabilize. If shooting at paper and in conjunction with a chrono you will know it has because velocity becomes way consistent and groups will tighten up dramatically, from there it's work up to a velocity number that lines up with your barrel length. IE: Too high of a velocity is high pressure and low velocity is low pressure.
Also, all my virgin brass is positive head spaced with a false shoulder to my chamber ( I do NOT want brass rattling in my chamber) so I never get a false read on "traditional" pressure signs at the case head., along with a host of benefits for your brass and precision. In conjunction with a powder that grants a high load density schit will shoot into knots. I've shot a LOT so I tend to circumvent some of the procedure above and cut to the chase, that meaning no chrono or shooting at paper in those initial stages of the load. Think Bangity bang bang bang. grin.
I do have Lever' and it will work like a charm, but I have it slated for a 6ARC I'm waiting on.