6UM vs 22CM


Jul 2, 2023
My goal is to have an identical tikka to my 223, except with greater terminal range. I reload, so that’s not an issue. I would be looking for a barrel between 16”-18” and suppressed with my TBAC Dominus cb. My existing tikka is a 20”, but I would like to move shorter since moving up in cartridge horsepower will afford me that.

Which one of these would be better suited for extending my terminal range? Barrel life is not an issue for me. I use my 223’s and self limit to 450 yard shots and under due to velocity. I have hunted with my 300NM out significantly further, but those were very focused situations. I have minimal interest in packing my AI up and down western mountains.

Pros of the 6UM: mainly not limited by states who restrict big game hunting to bullets .24 and higher

Pros of the 22cm: less recoil and better spotting of shots from all positions.

I generally shoot 10k shots a year in just center fire rifle, with a large majority from field positions. I’m interested in the technical comparison of these cartridges. I have played around in JBM and compared to cartridges I am familiar with shooting (5.56, 308, 300NM, 6BR), but I am interested in real world experience from people who have used either or both of these.
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Cant comment but have been debating similar rounds for similar reasons so curious to see what others have to say.
With a muzzle device, I’d go fast 6mm. The recoil is plenty manageable.
Either option would be 100% suppressed with my TBAC Dominus cb (~6.3” suppressor). Tbac confirms that 16” barrel with the 6UM is good to go, so all options are open.
22 creed all the way. I have both, and the 22 creedmoor was by far the favorite using varmint weight bullets. Bullets. Also remember unless you get custom reamer, the throat is going to be way too long for 6 mm varmint bullets to be accurate. I have a custom reamer with a shorter throat so I can run the 58s and 65s. The 22 creedmoor off the shelf is ready to go, just be sure to keep the carbon ring away
I have looked at the numbers, and the 22 creed does it for me out to 800ish. I am building one out this summer.

But, in fairness to really reach, as in 1000ish yards I have a 25 SST which is not far off the 6 um.

How far are you shooting?

I am adding 22 creed brass and dies, along with Tikka prefits to our online store this week.

I am going to look at adding Tikka prefits in 6 UM, if possible…
Isn’t this kinda comparing a Ferrari to a Miata? Although the 22 creed is no slouch I think if you want top performance with minimal recoil go with the 6UM but if you are limiting the distance and don’t want peak performance go with the creed.

Oooor do what I did and build both even though I don’t really need either of them.