There’s a point where “good enough” is truly “good enough”. Your S2 sounds like it works well for you. At that point it’s a hard pill to swallow to get a potential incremental upgrade and shave a few ounces at this price point; even with selling the S2.I'm the OP. Like to say thanks for the responses, as these really do help make decisions. I am 50yrs old and getting cranky, but it's not pointed at anyone here. Like every YouTube video where a round hits outside the group "That one was me".....bullshit. Call it what it's a 2" group.
I DONT think optics are that subjective. Maybe the eye relief and eyebox are....or how easy they are to get behind gives you a warmer fuzzy....but crisp and clear are just that.
My Meopta S2 is FUGGIN takes up a ton of pack space. But as I said....I enjoy the pics and digiscoping a ton. I am constantly fiddling with my NovaGrade and phone.
I am not "married" to only the 65mm. I looked over the Kowa's before pulling the trigger on the Meopta.
When I run the numbers, I am not seeing a ton of disparity across the big scopes. I think my huge Meopta with the eye piece comes in at 3.9 pounds. That 77mm Kowa at 3.65 if I converted grams to pounds accurately. That does not show me enough of a weight savings to dump $2400. The ATX is out. Just too much money.
The Swaro appeals to me for a handful of reasons. It just seems "sleek" and compact. Overall much smaller and trim and would slide into a pack pocket or inside the pack. As I said, the S2 huge.
The little Kowa 55mm spooks me a little. Too small? There are a ton that come up for sale used. They are not staying once purchased.
No, I am not considering a Vortex. Was only agreeing that some of the Japanese original glass was very very good. I have zero issues with Japan optics. Maybe even prefer them.
The straight S series Swaro fit's this description for me. It fits in the pack just right. Sometimes I carry bigger and sometimes much bigger but my "compact" choice is a straight 65.The Swaro appeals to me for a handful of reasons. It just seems "sleek" and compact. Overall much smaller and trim and would slide into a pack pocket or inside the pack. As I said, the S2 huge.
Yes, I have posted in other threads about the two eyepieces. I do not own 20-60's anymore and switched to the 25-50's shortly after they became available. 25-50's are superior and more-so on the 65.For anyone still tuned in re: Swaro 65, I've read on other forums or links in a search that the 25-50 WA eyepiece on the 65HD is an "upgrade" on noticeable improvement over the "standard" 20-60.
Anyone have direct experience with these two eye pieces?
RE: Renting. The owner of the rental company reached out to me. I think it's a great idea if only for a weekend to just glass a little side by side and see.
Always trust your eyes as you are the one looking through the optic.Thanks, I too find the scope cam easiest to deal with and adjust from bino's to spotter very well.
I love optics and read the optics forum every day. Over that time I've gained a lot of respect for the guys who post in the optics forum on a regular basis. Guys like tdhanses, AZ_Hunter_2000, Blue72 and many others. But I also find myself with a different opinion. So much to the point that I question my eye sight at times, lol. Apparently my 58 year old far sighted eyes see things differently. This brings up the Kowa 55. I owne this little scope and like it. But the fov as stated many times by many people is truley small. Comparing it to my atx 65, which is not a fair test, I find that the edges of the view in the 55 are not clear. I got it because I have injuries to my feet, knees, and hips and the weight of my pack is starting to give me considerable trouble. The 55 is lightweight and takes a small amount of space. I've had it for two hunting seasons and as of yet I have left it at home because I'm not willing to do without the excellent view of the swarovski atx 65. I love to digiscope and edge to edge clarity and field of view is important to me and so far I cannot sacrifice the quality of a bigger scope over the 55. The day will come when I will decide to leave the 65mm at home and take the 55 for weight savings not because I want to but because I will have to if I want to continue backpack hunting. Not trying to put down the 55 because I do feel like its good enough to leave the 65 at home in the future and I'm thankful to have a tool for that purpose. But I definitely can see a difference between a swaro 65 and a kowa 55.
If I was a young hunter, or even an older hunter with no body ailments, then I would personally stick with the 65. In my opinion the quality difference is apparent.
I cannot give an opinion on the Kowa 77 but due to the fact that its a 77 it should let in more light over a 65. The view should be better. It would be accurately compared to the swarovski 80mm. But I'm sure its a great scope due to the opinion of many people on this forum.
At the end of the day if I wanted a 65 for the reasons you have mentioned then I would go for the swarovski, leica, or zeiss and maybe add the meopta to that list.
It is tiny! You can also get an inexpensive carbon tripod for it that is around 1lb but i still prefer my slik 624 for it.Thanks for the comparison pic. That 55 Kowa is a micro lil SOB isnt it!
AbsolutelyThink lots of optics look identical and ok inside 1000 yards on blue bird days. It’s less than ideal and beyond that sort Good from Great