$600-$900 to spend on a scope for a Bergara B-14 HMR 6.5CM

Guys shoot a long ways with the SWFA 3-9 and it doesn't have parallax adjustment. I'd buy one of the new versions if I needed one right now without worry.

I'd guess very few of the animals missed in this country are because of lack of parallax adjustment.
I don’t know 100% even how parallax works so I may just get it and se show it works ..... they seem to hold their value if I want to move to a nxs
Parallax isn't as much an issue on scopes less then 10x
If you’re always dead-nuts center, you won’t have parallax error. I didn’t double check that calculator, but it should be error based on max offset.

Shooting big game out to 500 yards means your shooting about 2-3 MOA targets, which is pretty big. You can screw up and still hit those big targets. You should be able to use a fixed parallax scope to shoot big targets at that distance.

That said, you’re getting taken advantage of to pay $900 for a scope without adjustable parallax in 2021.

You have a whole lot of threads going about this SHV, but I’ll give you some advice that wasn’t requested in this particular thread: you can’t upgrade scopes, but you can upgrade your rifle. You have a $2500 rifle, and you’re looking at a $900 scope. Those priorities are backwards. Sell your rifle, pickup a $2000 - $2500 scope, and pick up a $700 factory rifle. You’ll be way ahead of most.
Yeah not going to sell the rifle I may get the shv as a temporary scope and then move on to somthing higher end later on .... I’m in no hurry right now and I don’t need a crystal clear tank of a scope that has 20+ mag .... I think getting a shv and them moving on to a nxs later on or a nx8 will be perfectly fine for this rifle
You have a $2500 rifle, and you’re looking at a $900 scope. Those priorities are backwards. Sell your rifle, pickup a $2000 - $2500 scope, and pick up a $700 factory rifle. You’ll be way ahead of most.

Best advice to that person yet. He would be much better off with a Ruger American and a $1500 scope for a lifetime, than what he is talking about.
Best advice to that person yet. He would be much better off with a Ruger American and a $1500 scope for a lifetime, than what he is talking about.
And how is that? Why get read of the rifle I have now ? When I can have a fine scope for 1000-1500 that fits my needs ... I don’t need anything crazy expensive
If you’re always dead-nuts center, you won’t have parallax error. I didn’t double check that calculator, but it should be error based on max offset.

Shooting big game out to 500 yards means your shooting about 2-3 MOA targets, which is pretty big. You can screw up and still hit those big targets. You should be able to use a fixed parallax scope to shoot big targets at that distance.

That said, you’re getting taken advantage of to pay $900 for a scope without adjustable parallax in 2021.

You have a whole lot of threads going about this SHV, but I’ll give you some advice that wasn’t requested in this particular thread: you can’t upgrade scopes, but you can upgrade your rifle. You have a $2500 rifle, and you’re looking at a $900 scope. Those priorities are backwards. Sell your rifle, pickup a $2000 - $2500 scope, and pick up a $700 factory rifle. You’ll be way ahead of most.
I get what your saying tho.... i just don’t see a need right now
If you’re always dead-nuts center, you won’t have parallax error. I didn’t double check that calculator, but it should be error based on max offset.

Shooting big game out to 500 yards means your shooting about 2-3 MOA targets, which is pretty big. You can screw up and still hit those big targets. You should be able to use a fixed parallax scope to shoot big targets at that distance.

That said, you’re getting taken advantage of to pay $900 for a scope without adjustable parallax in 2021.

You have a whole lot of threads going about this SHV, but I’ll give you some advice that wasn’t requested in this particular thread: you can’t upgrade scopes, but you can upgrade your rifle. You have a $2500 rifle, and you’re looking at a $900 scope. Those priorities are backwards. Sell your rifle, pickup a $2000 - $2500 scope, and pick up a $700 factory rifle. You’ll be way ahead of most.
what your saying makes a lot of sense .... I just think that for my current needs a shv or nxs are pleanty .... just want a reliable, light ish hunting scope for out to 500 yds
Best advice to that person yet. He would be much better off with a Ruger American and a $1500 scope for a lifetime, than what he is talking about.
Or he could buy a Tikka, an SHV, and a pile of ammo and work on his wind calls and field shooting......but yes, I certainly agree with the general idea!
It’s your money man, and obviously spend it however you want. I’m just saying I’ve had cheap guns and full blown custom rifles. Cheap scopes and legit $3k+ alpha scopes. Without a doubt, I’d take a $400 ruger with a Tangent Theta on top over a $4k custom rifle with an SHV. Take it for whatever it’s worth.
i get it ... just would rather use a mid level scope for now and then save for a much higher end one in a year or so
I ran across a Leupold Mark 4 4.5-14 x50mm LR/T with the TMR reticle for $699.00 from MIdway. I had picked up a T/C Compass in 6.5Creed so wanted something cheaper to slap on it. Figured it would be my truck gun. The scope actually cost more than the rifle....Anyway, I got it in, slapped it on. Took one look at my 600 yard gong, whipped around, ran in the house and immediately ordered another one. -WW
It’s your money man, and obviously spend it however you want. I’m just saying I’ve had cheap guns and full blown custom rifles. Cheap scopes and legit $3k+ alpha scopes. Without a doubt, I’d take a $400 ruger with a Tangent Theta on top over a $4k custom rifle with an SHV. Take it for whatever it’s worth.
think the nxs 2.5-10 42mm would be on par ?
And how is that? Why get read of the rifle I have now ? When I can have a fine scope for 1000-1500 that fits my needs ... I don’t need anything crazy expensive

The rifle is the least critical variable in the equation. The odds of finding a rifle that out performs a reliable scope are near zero, whereas it is really easy to find a rifle that outperforms an unreliable scope. There is a limitless supply of rifles that will outshoot the person pulling the trigger.
The rifle is the least critical variable in the equation. The odds of finding a rifle that out performs a reliable scope are near zero, whereas it is really easy to find a rifle that outperforms an unreliable scope. There is a limitless supply of rifles that will outshoot the person pulling the trigger.
Yes I relize that ... I got this rifle because of the weight and fit and finish .... i don’t see myself needing a scope more than $1500 just don’t think I need more than a nxs
Yes I relize that ... I got this rifle because of the weight and fit and finish .... i don’t see myself needing a scope more than $1500 just don’t think I need more than a nxs

I wasn't saying you need more scope than that.
In other words, you could put that scope on your proof and on a budget rifle, put the guns through some testing, hand the targets to somebody and they probably couldn't tell you which belonged to what rifle.
You could probably take your proof, put that scope on it and also a "budget" scope, do testing for each set up, hand the targets to somebody, and there'd be a much better chance they would correctly tell you what setup shot each target.

We have $500 rifles with SHVs, LRTSs, and SWFAs. More rifles than scopes because they are easy to swap around and I know the scopes are reliable.
I wasn't saying you need more scope than that.
In other words, you could put that scope on your proof and on a budget rifle, put the guns through some testing, hand the targets to somebody and they probably couldn't tell you which belonged to what rifle.
You could probably take your proof, put that scope on it and also a "budget" scope, do testing for each set up, hand the targets to somebody, and there'd be a much better chance they would correctly tell you what setup shot each target.

We have $500 rifles with SHVs, LRTSs, and SWFAs. More rifles than scopes because they are easy to swap around and I know the scopes are reliable
Yup your right .... it’s a nice rifle tho and it’s the parts I wanted in a rifle .... was going to build onto the tikka but I liked the idea of a custom action ..... Do you consider the shv and nxs budget scopes ? I’ll probably use one of the two temporary and then switch later on for a nicer one
The site gives a lot of love to Nightforce. I don’t see it. Every SHV I’ve touched I thought they were a pretty crappy scope. I think the NXS and NX8 (specifically the 2.5-20) lines are pretty unimpressive. The ATACRs are alright, but generally overpriced. I might still have my ATACR if they had a better reticle, but that’s more personal preference.

I’d look at a used Bushnell LRTS or LRHS, which will be cheaper and better than the SHV. The GAP preorder for LRHS 2.0 will be cheaper and likely better. Burris XTR2 would be a decent budget option as well. Within the $1500 range you could get a Mk5 or a Burris XTR3. IMO all those optics give you more room to grow compared to the SHV or NXS lines.

But again, it’s your money. The only way to get the experience is to buy stuff for yourself and figure out what it is you do and don’t like about it.
Okay thanks I’ll check them out
Yup your right .... it’s a nice rifle tho and it’s the parts I wanted in a rifle .... was going to build onto the tikka but I liked the idea of a custom action ..... Do you consider the shv and nxs budget scopes ? I’ll probably use one of the two temporary and then switch later on for a nicer one

The site gives a lot of love to Nightforce. I don’t see it. Every SHV I’ve touched I thought they were a pretty crappy scope. I think the NXS and NX8 (specifically the 2.5-20) lines are pretty unimpressive. The ATACRs are alright, but generally overpriced. I might still have my ATACR if they had a better reticle, but that’s more personal preference.

I’d look at a used Bushnell LRTS or LRHS, which will be cheaper and better than the SHV. The GAP preorder for LRHS 2.0 will be cheaper and likely better. Burris XTR2 would be a decent budget option as well. Within the $1500 range you could get a Mk5 or a Burris XTR3. IMO all those optics give you more room to grow compared to the SHV or NXS lines.

But again, it’s your money. The only way to get the experience is to buy stuff for yourself and figure out what it is you do and don’t like about it.
Wow about the first ten mins looking at the lrts and lrhs reviews on the forum I’m liking the looks of it .... seems like a very nice scope .... how durable are they?