6 PRC reloading

The whole point of freebore is that the bullet isn't engraved from the lands until it gets into the leade after it. Your chamber pics with copper fouling almost immediately in the throat are close to what I'd expect in a "zero freebore" chamber with a throat that doesn't start significantly larger than bullet diameter.

More plainly - I would not be satisfied with that chamber.
Anyone loaded lighter Mono's for us trapped in Commiefornia?
I have 85 tsx on the shelf that could get going 3600? Plan to start with 240wby load data and go up from there. In addition to 108ELDM and 115DTAC of course.
Anyone loaded lighter Mono's for us trapped in Commiefornia?
I have 85 tsx on the shelf that could get going 3600? Plan to start with 240wby load data and go up from there. In addition to 108ELDM and 115DTAC of course.
Look at the 87 or 90 grn Hammers.
They are also coming out with a new High BC line that are called HBC but aren't available in 6mm yet.

I run the 90 HHT out of my 6-7 PRC and love them
What seating die are you guys using for the 6 PRC? I picked up the Redding bushing die for resizing, and asked Redding about a seating die, they said the 6.5 PRC 'should work' bit didn't give options for a 6mm sliding bushing for the die.

I have a Hornady 6 Creed seating die, that a PRC case fits in the body, so it should work, it would just only support the neck. Thoughts?
What seating die are you guys using for the 6 PRC? I picked up the Redding bushing die for resizing, and asked Redding about a seating die, they said the 6.5 PRC 'should work' bit didn't give options for a 6mm sliding bushing for the die.

I have a Hornady 6 Creed seating die, that a PRC case fits in the body, so it should work, it would just only support the neck. Thoughts?
I’m using Redding 6.5 prc seating die with 6.5 stem, no issues seating