6 mm prefit Group Buy, Tikka, Origin, etc. ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT TO BUY

Yes. Just a regular Howa 1500? Post up the specs on the barrels you want.

I have Howa Mini barrels in .223 and 22 ARC.
Yea just regular howa 1500. I think a 22,6mm,25 creed with a 18 or 20 .750 taper less threaded 5/8 would be nice. But if I’m a 1 off no worries.
How about Tikka .243AI, 18", lightest contour they can put ⅝x24 threads on?

Sorry, I'm late to the party. If that ends up being an option I'm halfway through my current (factory .243 rechambered) barrel's life and making plans for what to do when it's done.
This is intriguing… 6.5prc body die and then use something like the 6mm Lee collet die to form the neck?

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My recent experience is using a 21st century neck die with 6.8w brass to get it down to 25cal. Worked great. Sized with 6.8 die with the proper bushing and then mandreled. I think that's the most legit method based on others experiences and my research.