The 7 PRC is definitely NOT a beltless 7mm Rem Mag. You will never see 175-180gr high-BC bullets loaded in factory ammo for the 7 Rem Mag. Rifles just aren’t designed to handle them.If the 7 PRC is just a beltless 7 Rem Mag, and you don't plan to handload, just go 7 Rem Mag. It is very popular and will remain so for decades to come. That should ensure factory ammo availability. It's strikes me like the .375 H&H vs .375 Ruger question.
The 7 PRC (and 6.8 Western) have much tighter chamber tolerances and are designed to be more accurate. They are throated for long, sleek, heavy aerodynamic bullets and tuned for LR right out of the gate.
You have to go custom rifle and very well-made handloads to come even close with a 7mm Rem Mag. No plug & play option will ever exist, unfortunately.