6.8 Western or 7 PRC?

If the 7 PRC is just a beltless 7 Rem Mag, and you don't plan to handload, just go 7 Rem Mag. It is very popular and will remain so for decades to come. That should ensure factory ammo availability. It's strikes me like the .375 H&H vs .375 Ruger question.
The 7 PRC is definitely NOT a beltless 7mm Rem Mag. You will never see 175-180gr high-BC bullets loaded in factory ammo for the 7 Rem Mag. Rifles just aren’t designed to handle them.

The 7 PRC (and 6.8 Western) have much tighter chamber tolerances and are designed to be more accurate. They are throated for long, sleek, heavy aerodynamic bullets and tuned for LR right out of the gate.

You have to go custom rifle and very well-made handloads to come even close with a 7mm Rem Mag. No plug & play option will ever exist, unfortunately.
the 21st century 308 is the 6.5 Creedmoor, if factory ammo, set and forget, you can do no wrong to 600 yards, find ammo anywhere anytime, then that is #1 choice, beware the man with only one gun, you get intimate with a 6.5 cm and nothing is going to walk away from you, no other ammo will be more available for the next 100 years...it's not exciting but you will get teased so there's some excitement there I guess, the freezer and the walls will never be bare, and don't forget very good barrel life, just shoot the shat out of it whenever you feel like and anyone you hand the gun to will likely shoot it very well also, they don't bite very hard on the shoulder end

neither of those two options would make my list for your criteria but if had to choose I'd likely lean into the western, got a soft spot for the .270 win...I'd likely choose that over the western lol
I fully agree with you about the 6.5 Creedmoor. It’s amazing. It is what has me looking for the most “Creedmoor-like” option for a bit more punch out to 800 yards.

I know nothing is likely to match the Creedmoor’s popularity and pervasiveness. But I can look for a higher-powered option with design parameters most like the 6.5 Creedmoor. I think 6.8 Western probably comes closest due to the short action and matching chamber tolerances and barrel twists. The 7 PRC also does this but in a standard action and a bit more recoil.
The 6.8Western is basically a short action 270.
Not exactly.

You are never going to see long, sleek, high-BC 165-175gr bullets loaded in factory ammo for the .270 Win (or .270 WSM or .270 Wby Mag). And, the 6.8 Western gets similar velocities out of 170-175gr bullets that the old .270 Win makes out of 150gr bullets.

The chamber and throating tolerances are much, much more precise in the 6.8 Western, as well.
I fully agree with you about the 6.5 Creedmoor. It’s amazing. It is what has me looking for the most “Creedmoor-like” option for a bit more punch out to 800 yards.

I know nothing is likely to match the Creedmoor’s popularity and pervasiveness. But I can look for a higher-powered option with design parameters most like the 6.5 Creedmoor. I think 6.8 Western probably comes closest due to the short action and matching chamber tolerances and barrel twists. The 7 PRC also does this but in a standard action and a bit more recoil.
when the dust settles it will be the 6.5 prc you'd want then, on factory ammo it adds another ~250 yards over the creed and it will be the one that stands the test of time over the other two options and most likely to have the most readily available ammo for the longest period of this century, it's the new manbun plus ;)

the only other thing that will stand test of time like that will be a .30 cal, as it's an obsessed about cal that will stand the test of time, guessing 300 prc will eventually be the next 300 wm, not sure I'd play anywhere but 6.5 or .30 for this long term what's gonna be around the next 100 years on every shelf etc.
when the dust settles it will be the 6.5 prc you'd want then, on factory ammo it adds another ~250 yards over the creed and it will be the one that stands the test of time over the other two options and most likely to have the most readily available ammo for the longest period of this century, it's the new manbun plus ;)
Still limited to 140-147gr bullets, though.

I want the punch of heavier bullets for a clear step up in power. I think 175gr .277 or .284 achieves that.
Not exactly.

You are never going to see long, sleek, high-BC 165-175gr bullets loaded in factory ammo for the .270 Win (or .270 WSM or .270 Wby Mag). And, the 6.8 Western gets similar velocities out of 170-175gr bullets that the old .270 Win makes out of 150gr bullets.

The chamber and throating tolerances are much, much more precise in the 6.8 Western, as well.
love the 6.8 western on paper, only problem with it is who's backing it, if you can't get the hoard all over it and the big manufacturers behind it from ammo on up...best of luck, another wsm flash in the pan, but it does have brilliant numbers and is a true 21st century take on ballistics at the upper horsepower levels for our big game needs...for those stormy kromer wearing barrel chested 1-ton drivin elk huntin sumbitches that wouldn't be caught dead within eyesight of a 6.5 manbun lol ;)
Still limited to 140-147gr bullets, though.

I want the punch of heavier bullets for a clear step up in power. I think 175gr .277 or .284 achieves that.

it's 6.5 or .30...the 300 prc would be your thumper if trying to envision the future of what will take over the 20th century kings shoes (300wm)...pretty much anything in between will be a lottery if it will catch and become a 21st century legend and the 300 prc will be that 21st century 30 cal that you'll find everywhere etc.
love the 6.8 western on paper, only problem with it is who's backing it, if you can't get the hoard all over it and the big manufacturers behind it from ammo on up...best of luck, another wsm flash in the pan, but it does have brilliant numbers and is a true 21st century take on ballistics at the upper horsepower levels for our big game needs...for those stormy kromer wearing barrel chested 1-ton drivin elk huntin sumbitches that wouldn't be caught dead within eyesight of a 6.5 manbun lol ;)
I always think of these “bros” as MFs carrying big-ass .300 RUMs and .338 Lapuas.

“You need POWER to kill bull elk, bruh!”
Not exactly.

You are never going to see long, sleek, high-BC 165-175gr bullets loaded in factory ammo for the .270 Win (or .270 WSM or .270 Wby Mag). And, the 6.8 Western gets similar velocities out of 170-175gr bullets that the old .270 Win makes out of 150gr bullets.

The chamber and throating tolerances are much, much more precise in the 6.8 Western, as well.

I doubt a game animal is going to know the difference between a 150g and a 170g bullet.
My guess is neither cartridge is going to be a long term factory loading. In that respect, it’s just how much do you plan to shoot and reload. My choice would be neither, but I’m not into rare calibers.
If the 6.5 creed is already a staple for you, I agree the 6.5prc (as great as it is) just isn’t enough of a step up to justify. I still think a 7mm rem mag would suit you very well. With a 1:10 barrel, you should be able to get into 162-165gr loads. There’s 175gr factory loads too, that could very well shoot for you. I just don’t see 7prc being readily available for a while. And if it is, down the road, you can rebarrel for it in a couple years.
6.8, there’s only one company making ammo. If you’re wanting to only shoot factory loads, that’d be a deal breaker for me. You’ll be shackled to a couple loads. There’s tons of factory 7rm loads. Everyone makes 7rm ammo.
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it's 6.5 or .30...the 300 prc would be your thumper if trying to envision the future of what will take over the 20th century kings shoes (300wm)...pretty much anything in between will be a lottery if it will catch and become a 21st century legend and the 300 prc will be that 21st century 30 cal that you'll find everywhere etc.
I cannot argue your assertion that the .300 PRC is a great tool for this job and that it is likely to be the 21st century’s 30-cal. I’d love to have one.

But what I can argue and win convincingly with you and anyone else on my particular question is that the 300 PRC brings A LOT more recoil to the party and it is not likely to fit my criteria of “Being easy to shoot well, just like the 6.5 Creedmoor.” I just don’t think 35 ft lbs of recoil fits that description. I actually believe the 7 PRC is at the absolute outer limit of this particular parameter.
I would just get the 6.8 now and have fun with it. The nice thing about rifles is you can always sell it and move on to the next one. When the PRC is wildly available buy one and then compare and keep the one you like better.

If you are worried abuot factory ammo I would look at something different entirely.
This all makes sense. One of each … brilliant!

I did check four local stores for ammo yesterday and today. I only found two in 6.5 Creedmoor that I was interested in and bought a couple of boxes of both.

I found three of the four factory loads I’d shoot in 6.8 Western in good enough quantities I could have purchased 200 rounds of each. Didn’t find a single box of 165 ABLR, though, which is what I would want most. I’d have been happy with 100 rounds of 162 Copper Impact and 100 rounds of 170 NBT. I would’ve probably picked up 40 rounds of 175 TGK for shits and giggles, too. That would be enough for years of shooting and enough brass for decades.
If the 6.5 creed is already a staple for you, I agree the 6.5prc (as great as it is) just isn’t enough of a step up to justify. I still think a 7mm rem mag would suit you very well. With a 1:10 barrel, you should be able to get into 162-165gr loads. There’s 175gr factory loads too, that could very well shoot for you. I just don’t see 7prc being readily available for a while. And if it is, down the road, you can rebarrel for it in a couple years.
6.8, there’s only one company making ammo. If you’re wanting to only shoot factory loads, that’d be a deal breaker for me. You’ll be shackled to a couple loads. There’s tons of factory 7rm loads. Everyone makes 7rm ammo.
My 6.5 Creedmoor is great! Easy to shoot and kills everything I’ve shot it at quickly and cleanly. Pronghorn, Whitetails, Muleys and elk.

I’m trying to settle on two loads for it, a mono for meat hunts and a heavy for trophy hunts. I already know the 127 LRX is the mono load. The darn rifle pretty much shoots all 140-147gr bullets well so the “heavy load” is more difficult to decide on. I just need something I can break both shoulders of a bull elk with. My favorite and one that has proven to be very effective at this is the 142 ABLR load from Winchester. I can’t find any, though, and I only have 29 rounds left.

I’ll probably end up with 140 NBT or ELD-M.
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I cannot argue your assertion that the .300 PRC is a great tool for this job and that it is likely to be the 21st century’s 30-cal. I’d love to have one.

But what I can argue and win convincingly with you and anyone else on my particular question is that the 300 PRC brings A LOT more recoil to the party and it is not likely to fit my criteria of “Being easy to shoot well, just like the 6.5 Creedmoor.” I just don’t think 35 ft lbs of recoil fits that description. I actually believe the 7 PRC is at the absolute outer limit of this particular parameter.
well those .25/7mm guys are like bmw guys...if you're one and you need one of these middle childs then the this 21st century slightly stronger than 7rm would be the future 7mm to get behind, run percentages of xtra sd/bc/distance at 2000 fps/ and especially recoil against all the others I suppose, and maybe you have but those 180's at 2950 will be like pulling the trigger on the 6.5 prc and the Creedmoor at the same time in recoil energy...and 2000 fps only comes 150 yards further down range over the 147(850/1000 yards) and you've got only 6% more SD or penetration potential and maybe 12.5% less wind drift due to higher sd/bc...but that bump in recoil for those slight gains isn't remotely proportional, like another 12 ft/lbs recoil in an 8.5 lb gun (which is about what a Creedmoor does all by itself)...and being a factory ammo guy you'll be waiting at least a decade maybe 1.5 to 2 decades before this 7mm gets to where it's 21st century status should take it so you'll be waiting awhile, it will struggle against the 6.5's imo and will likely remain a less popular middle child for life vs the 6.5's and the .30's

you have plenty of perspectives now, if you want a hammer get a hammer and have fun, not sure the game will be able to tell the difference between it and a 6.5 prc but your shoulder sure will, the ammo shelf sure will, I guess you didn't state distances you live in for hunting but if it's 600 or less like many then you already have the machine that you shoot well and that's as important as anything
well those .25/7mm guys are like bmw guys...if you're one and you need one of these middle childs then the this 21st century slightly stronger than 7rm would be the future 7mm to get behind, run percentages of xtra sd/bc/distance at 2000 fps/ and especially recoil against all the others I suppose, and maybe you have but those 180's at 2950 will be like pulling the trigger on the 6.5 prc and the Creedmoor at the same time in recoil energy...and 2000 fps only comes 150 yards further down range over the 147(850/1000 yards) and you've got only 6% more SD or penetration potential and maybe 12.5% less wind drift due to higher sd/bc...but that bump in recoil for those slight gains isn't remotely proportional, like another 12 ft/lbs recoil in an 8.5 lb gun (which is about what a Creedmoor does all by itself)...and being a factory ammo guy you'll be waiting at least a decade maybe 1.5 to 2 decades before this 7mm gets to where it's 21st century status should take it so you'll be waiting awhile, it will struggle against the 6.5's imo and will likely remain a less popular middle child for life vs the 6.5's and the .30's

you have plenty of perspectives now, if you want a hammer get a hammer and have fun, not sure the game will be able to tell the difference between it and a 6.5 prc but your shoulder sure will, the ammo shelf sure will, I guess you didn't state distances you live in for hunting but if it's 600 or less like many then you already have the machine that you shoot well and that's as important as anything
Not much 6.5prc on the shelves either
You could probably say that about every cartridge right now.
Eh, not really. There is plenty of ammo for the more common calibers around my neck of the woods right now (.243, .270, .300 win mag, 7mm Mag). Stocks are still thin for the designer calibers.

I use a .270 for all the things mentioned and have for 2 decades. I've seen many, many elk fall to that caliber from 25-450 yards. I don't see a huge advantage of the 6.8 or 7 PRC within my normal shooting distances (500 yards and in). And, you will likely always be able to find factory .270 Win ammo. With reloading you get even better performance. I shoot all things with a .270 Win, or my bow.

Now, if you want to shoot some things with the 6.5 Creed, just get a 300 Win also. The 6.5 Creed will easily kill all the things you mentioned if you keep the distances reasonable, and then you have the 300 Win in the event you have an elk hunt where most likely the shot will be long, or you hunt G-Bears or Moose somewhere else.