6.8 Western brass made from 7 SAUM case performance?


Oct 14, 2018
This is an obscure topic I know, but I'm curious how your 7 SAUM-turned-6.8 Western cases have been performing over the long run. How do they compare to true 6.8 Western head-stamped brass when loading for accuracy? Is there a discernible difference in stats between your loads that use the "home brew 6.8 W-from-7 SAUM" cases vs. true 6.8 Western cases?

A couple of years ago some threads popped up on various forums about how to take 7 SAUM brass and run it through your 6.8 Western FL sizing die to create 6.8 Western cases (which continue to be hard to find). Having looked at the SAAMI specs for both cartridges, they are very close in dimensions. People commenting on the how-to threads seem to have had no issues but nobody really seems to have reported back on performance.

Have you tried it? How has it work out for you?