6.5 Grendel info and insights

I use Starline for a few cartridges, no problems. I kind of regret selling my Ruger predator, it was a accurate shooter for sure.
That was definitely DRT JasonT.
I’ve never night hunted for animals except once for foxes with my dad when I was like 10. Spent 10 years in USMC but those were different kind of hunting n shooting. Think it would be fun to night hunt though. If they ever open a night hunting deer or big game season I’ll definitely be interested.
Welder, I’ve used a bunch of different brass over the years and still use Remington brass in 30-06 but I’ve pretty much settled on starline. For the money it’s good and don’t have to worry if I loose a piece or where it went after shooting from a stand.
I’ve only ever hunted with an AR platform one time. Decided I wanted to shoot a deer with one of my 5.56’s was pretty un exciting actually. Sat down deer walked to within 40 yards of me neck shot bang flop. Done.
I decided to give the AR in Grendel a honest go this coming season. I do a good bit of backpack hunting so thought it would be bit lighter n more handy than my bolt guns plus it would make for a good security rifle around camp or if needed besides just a handgun.
So what’s everyone’s thoughts on velocity out Grendel for like 120-125 grain bullets? Is 2400 fps good enough for a deer or is something in range of 2500 + much better? I’m shooting a Faxon 18” but know I’ve heard plenty of guys using 12” to 24” barrels. Kinda interested in what y’all feel as to a good velocity for deer.
Mines at 2450fps with Hornady 123 eldm. Couple blacktails and a bear. All pass though. No issue running them at that speed. Eldm should be good to 1800fps per other reading here.
I was expecting the ELDM to be my best shooter too but the SST, partition and ELdm all shooting the same loads and group sizes in mine. Maybe slightly better with the partition actually. I haven’t yet shot past 200 yards yet so will see then.
Nra4life When you say it loves the eldm’s is that handloads or factory ammo?
What size groups are you getting?
These are factory for now. I bought a bunch of ammo just for the brass. The components to reload were about as expensive as the ammo itself. I'll start reloading this summer hopefully. OK, I'll admit, I'm not that great of a shooter anymore, my eyesight is not what it used to be. But I'm getting 1.5-2" groups at 100. Pretty good for me. Edit: The ammo is Hornady Black.
NRA4life I completely understand. My eyes aren’t what they used to be either. Have to wear glasses to read most things nowadays. 1” -2” will definitely take a deer. I’m just grateful I’m still able to do things I enjoy.