Another eld-m vs tmk thread. I drank the koolaid for match bullets this past season and between my daughter and I we took 1 elk and 2 mulie bucks. I took my biggest buck ever with the 77 tmk out of an 18” AR. 1 shot at about 250yds and dropped. she took a mature cow and a small buck with 130 tmk out of her 22” 6.5 Grendel. Muzzle velocity on that one is right at 2500. Buck was a bang flop with lungs obliterated and tore the top of the heart right out. Elk was interesting. Broadside 100yd shot with perfect placement behind the shoulder. Bullet recovered in broken offside shoulder but it had clearly tumbled. It went though both lungs sideways, not much destruction but the fastest 1 shot kill I have ever seen on an elk! No tracking necessary. She killed her elk the year before with 129 ablr. Also worked great but she did hit her 3 times. The recovered 130 tmk weighs 129 grains, so it lost the tip and that’s about it. Looks like it hit the on side rib and that sent it tumbling on entry. Entry wound was large which has me wondering if it was tumbling before impact. Maybe hit a branch that I didn’t see? She hit dead nuts where she was aiming and I tested the load extensively before season and it was shooting nice tight 3/4-1” groups with no evidence of key holes. Impact speed would have been around 2350fps. So it worked, both critters drt. But I like to tinker. I have a bunch of bullets for sale but I had a partial box of 123 a-max bullets so I loaded them up yesterday and shot couple groups at 100 yds. 1/4-1/2” groups with ease! And I was around 2750fps. So, assuming the tmk tumble was a fluke, 130tmk at 2500 or 123 eld-m at 2750???? Sadly I already sold 200 of the a-max. I could also go 130 eld-m. Velocity would be between 2500-2600. If it were deer only, I would go 123 all day long. The groups were crazy good.
Recovered 130 tmk

Recovered 130 tmk