6.5 Creedmoor vs .308 Win

Normal times are gone forever. You'll be needing ammo more than ever in the future. The cost of 3 cases (matched lot) of 6.5CM was not cheap, cost $1,428.85
I don’t know about gone for ever, but gone for a while. That is a bummer on the cost of 3 cases. I have had some Hornady ELDm and ELDX on order through SWFA since September which does suck. Luckily I was able to piggyback 6.5 ammo in on a larger contract order.
308 because the USMC doesn't use a Creedmoor. Also, right now your paying $65/box for rare ammo. 308 all day imo
The USMC was still issuing 20" M16s with iron sights when the army moved to 14.5" M4s and scopes too. There is a lot more that goes into what the military uses than what is necessarily "the best", like what it would cost to switch over from a 7.62x51 to a 6.5cm.
To answer the OP's question, I would see what you could get ammo for first, either choice will work well for what you plan to use it for. If you decide its not what you want, you can always rebarrell it to another caliber with a prefit barrel.
LOL. This conversation always goes the same way and has been done a thousand times.

Any of them will work with a good bullet and a competent marksman.

For what it's worth I went 6.5 but I don't hunt elk. With a 6X scope I get to watch everything even from weird positions. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot an elk with my rifle, it just isn't something I do.
Normal times are gone forever. You'll be needing ammo more than ever in the future. The cost of 3 cases (matched lot) of 6.5CM was not cheap, cost $1,428.85
If the last two ammo shortages have taught me anything, the last cartridge you want during an ammo shortage is anything NATO.
There's shelves of wsm's, wby's and 10mm. Not a 223, 308, -06 or 9mm anywhere.
If the last two ammo shortages have taught me anything, the last cartridge you want during an ammo shortage is anything NATO.
There's shelves of wsm's, wby's and 10mm. Not a 223, 308, -06 or 9mm anywhere.
Where are these shelves full of 10mm you speak of???
You shoot a cattlemens bull, you are in for a whole new set of problems. It could make you and a bull in the open look like a walk in the park.
My ADC company contracts with cattlemen and they warn us of "specific tag numbers" known for aggressive behavior. We try to steer clear (get it :) ) but it is understood by all that humans come first and a price is pre-agreed to should livestock run amuck and we are forced to put one down. I have used bear spray successfully on cattle but had all kinds of time and favorable conditions...not always the case. Funny how you can call in pissed off bovines with an electronic caller. Cattle can be asshats.
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This is probably the most Googled “vs” cartridge debate besides .308 vs .30-06.

They really are neck and neck except longer distances wind drift and drop are less with 6.5 CM.

Personally I hunt with both but prefer my Tikka 6.5 Creedmoor’s accuracy. I think the .308 is a slightly more emphatic killer on the spot but I’ve dropped them quick with the 6.5.
Both of them are awesome, I have both but if I really had to pick one, I’d probably keep the 308 even though I shoot my 6.5 more than anything else I have right now.
It's a debate. I bought my 6.5 due issues with my nervous and shoulder issue at the time for lighter recoil. I would probably pick 308 now due to cheaper ammo, avaliable ammo and heavier ammo weight.

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308 because the USMC doesn't use a Creedmoor. Also, right now your paying $65/box for rare ammo. 308 all day imo
I have a Bergara Crest in 6.5 Creedmoor and I am getting 6.5 Creedmoor ammo for less money than any .308 ammo. That is why I went 6.5 Creedmoor over .308. Norma 140 GR Soft Point Whitetail, $19.80 for a box of 20. Bought 200 rounds.
Well when I went to pick up my T3x Superlite in 7mm-08 and lo and behold it was sold. Really intrigued by the 6.5CM is there any reason to choose the 6.5CM over the 308 or vice versa in the same rifle outside of ammo availability.
I think 308 would be better suited twords elk sized game due to the larger range of bullet weights available.
I shoot 308 my brother shoots 6.5 creedmoor on my 500 yard range. He is shooting 140s just under 2,700 ft per second. I'm shooting 165's at 2800 ft per second. Slightly longer barrel. It's rarely windy where I live and my range is a 150 ft strip with tall timber on either side. He runs a can, and I Rock the world.
We shoot each other's guns all the time.

Here's my take having shot them both side by side in nearly identical rifles.

At 400 yd our rifles throw equal trajectories and in fact I think mine has a one half inch edge. At 500 yd you can just barely begin to see the 6.5 pull ahead.

The 308 burns more powder, throws more lead, and kicks harder. The 6.5 is more fun to shoot. You can still botch it up, but with a good trigger (and reasonable rifle weight) it's easier to shoot well. When it comes to making shots that anchor deer immediately, the 308 at these ranges has a slight advantage using an optimal bullet. Especially if shot presentation isn't great, and you have to take it anyway. Both cartridges are perfectly adequate. It's funny how hitting the right spot is more important. Energy is not everything, but it certainly isn't irrelevant either.

A 6.5 Grendel doesn't equal a 6.5 CM.
If the grendels get mad so be it.
A 6.5 creedmoor doesn't equal a 308 below 400.
If the creedmors get mad so be it.
A 308 doesn't equal a good hand loaded 30-06
If the 308 guys get mad, so be it.

You're close. Shoot what you love and shoot well.