6.5 Creedmoor/260 for Deer, Elk, and whatever else.....

I apologize, I should have added this one to the previous post. Cow elk, 6.5 Creedmoor, 140 grain Nosler Accubond, impact velocity 1900 or so fps. Dang thing just stood there and I thought I was missing and it didn’t react like it was hit, so like my Dad said, keep shooting till they go down! I have since seen the light and use match bullets in the 6.5s and .223.

Entrance only, shoulder removed:
So I’ve read all of this thread and am a little over 100 pages into the .223 thread. Good info and has already caused me to pick up 500 77gr TMKs, 200 147 ELDms, and 500 106 6mm ELDm factory seconds that are used in the TAP ammo. I don’t even own anything 6mm that can stabilize them yet, but they were cheap.

Anyway, I would like to hear what bullet suggestions there would be for a .260 with a 20” 1 in 9 barrel at 500’ above sea level.

Using Berger’s twist rate calculator the 130 TMK is iffy here but would be fine above 5000’. How about the likes of the 107 TMK, 100 or 120 ELDm, or 120 GD?

The flat base cup and core bullets work well enough here as shots are close. Ultimately though this rifle would likely be a contender when I finally make time for aoudad. I’d like to find something with a decent BC and good terminal performance, that my rifle will stabilize here so I can work up a good load and practice with it a bit.

Perhaps it’s just time to look into a new barrel though.
So I’ve read all of this thread and am a little over 100 pages into the .223 thread. Good info and has already caused me to pick up 500 77gr TMKs, 200 147 ELDms, and 500 106 6mm ELDm factory seconds that are used in the TAP ammo. I don’t even own anything 6mm that can stabilize them yet, but they were cheap.

Anyway, I would like to hear what bullet suggestions there would be for a .260 with a 20” 1 in 9 barrel at 500’ above sea level.

Using Berger’s twist rate calculator the 130 TMK is iffy here but would be fine above 5000’. How about the likes of the 107 TMK, 100 or 120 ELDm, or 120 GD?

The flat base cup and core bullets work well enough here as shots are close. Ultimately though this rifle would likely be a contender when I finally make time for aoudad. I’d like to find something with a decent BC and good terminal performance, that my rifle will stabilize here so I can work up a good load and practice with it a bit.

Perhaps it’s just time to look into a new barrel though.
I’d also consider the 123 ELDm, it has a slightly better BC than the 120 ELDm. I load it based on the old 123 Amax load that Hornady would post on the box, I believe it was 44.5 grains of H4350. With that loading in my Tikka 6.5 Creedmoor 20” barrel it has a muzzle velocity of 2885 fps.
So I’ve read all of this thread and am a little over 100 pages into the .223 thread. Good info and has already caused me to pick up 500 77gr TMKs, 200 147 ELDms, and 500 106 6mm ELDm factory seconds that are used in the TAP ammo. I don’t even own anything 6mm that can stabilize them yet, but they were cheap.

Anyway, I would like to hear what bullet suggestions there would be for a .260 with a 20” 1 in 9 barrel at 500’ above sea level.

Using Berger’s twist rate calculator the 130 TMK is iffy here but would be fine above 5000’. How about the likes of the 107 TMK, 100 or 120 ELDm, or 120 GD?

The flat base cup and core bullets work well enough here as shots are close. Ultimately though this rifle would likely be a contender when I finally make time for aoudad. I’d like to find something with a decent BC and good terminal performance, that my rifle will stabilize here so I can work up a good load and practice with it a bit.

Perhaps it’s just time to look into a new barrel though.
Berger 130 otm would be great in that set up
I’d also consider the 123 ELDm, it has a slightly better BC than the 120 ELDm. I load it based on the old 123 Amax load that Hornady would post on the box, I believe it was 44.5 grains of H4350. With that loading in my Tikka 6.5 Creedmoor 20” barrel it has a muzzle velocity of 2885 fps.
I was under the impression that the 123 was designed with Grendel velocities in mind. I thought it might be too splashy up close at .260/6.5CM speeds. I thought maybe one of the lighter 2 ELDm bullets might have a thicker jacket or something. I might have to give it a try, though the 130 OTM sounds promising if a bit more expensive. I’ll probably have to try out a few combinations though as these Model 7 barrels are pretty picky. Thanks and keep em coming.
Using Berger’s twist rate calculator the 130 TMK is iffy here but would be fine above 5000’. How about the likes of the 107 TMK, 100 or 120 ELDm, or 120 GD?
Use JBM Ballistics online Stability calculator and input the plastic tip length.

I believe it will show the 130 TMK to be stable with 1-9" twist at sea level.
I was under the impression that the 123 was designed with Grendel velocities in mind. I thought it might be too splashy up close at .260/6.5CM speeds. I thought maybe one of the lighter 2 ELDm bullets might have a thicker jacket or something. I might have to give it a try, though the 130 OTM sounds promising if a bit more expensive. I’ll probably have to try out a few combinations though as these Model 7 barrels are pretty picky. Thanks and keep em coming.
I’ve not shot a ton of game with the 123 ELDm, but in those that I have it has performed similarly to other ELDMs. I agree with the 130 TMK, if it shows to be stable at your elevation or above, that would be the bullet I’d choose.
Not jumping on ya but I think there was thread this year from a guy loosing a bull to a liver shot with a .300 win mag. Never recovered him. I think it boils down to shot placement just about over anything
Wasn't my thread, but just last year my group was lucky to recover a cow that got shot by a 300wm/swift scirocco. It was only a 200y shot but assumed a miss after hours of searching for blood. Luckily my buddy and I happened to be on the ridge the herd ran to and found her at least a half mile from the shot and 4 hours later by pure luck. The wound went through the liver and the back of the lungs, scirocco looking like a perfect advertisement on the opposite side. I'm not a .223 convert, but I also don't believe heavy magnums are quite the terminal safety blanket some people think they are.
I’ve not shot a ton of game with the 123 ELDm, but in those that I have it has performed similarly to other ELDMs. I agree with the 130 TMK, if it shows to be stable at your elevation or above, that would be the bullet I’d choose.
Use JBM Ballistics online Stability calculator and input the plastic tip length.

I believe it will show the 130 TMK to be stable with 1-9" twist at sea level.
Based on my estimations, the JBM calculator did show it to be stable in a 9” twist. Then I got to thinking, if it doesn’t work out I can still use them in my Creedmoor, so I placed an order for 500. Rokslide is turning out to be awfully expensive for a free forum.
Based on my estimations, the JBM calculator did show it to be stable in a 9” twist. Then I got to thinking, if it doesn’t work out I can still use them in my Creedmoor, so I placed an order for 500. Rokslide is turning out to be awfully expensive for a free forum.
As had been stated on here before by Form and others, it is a monster of a bullet. Devastating to say the least, you’ll love it!
Here’s another cow elk shot by my son from last Saturday, roughly 2400 fps impact, 6.5 Creedmoor, 139 Lapua Scenar, quartered towards, impact in front of left shoulder. No pic of off shoulder, but it exited. The cow ran for ~75 yards leaving a very prominent blood trail. No necropsy photos, otherwise.
After reading all these cool posts, I may take my 6.5 Creed out west. I favor the ELD-M 147 Hornady factory load. Accuracy is fantastic, and bullet ferformance is great-like Berger VLD but better BC.
Does anybody have some load data for the 147 out of the 6.5 creedmoor? My hornady book is a few years old and dosent have the 147 in it.
Does anybody have some load data for the 147 out of the 6.5 creedmoor? My hornady book is a few years old and dosent have the 147 in it.


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Young buck taken on the closing morning of Zone C deer season which happened to fall on my birthday this year. 37° is cold for central Florida! My first 6.5 Creedmoor kill with my tikka CTR that I put together this fall. 80yd freehand shot as he was quartering away so I tucked a 143gr eld-x into the ribs not wanting to vaporize a shoulder at such close range. I doubt he went 75yds at a slow and confused trot before piling up. Nice exit with a trail Ray Charles could have followed.
