6.5 Creedmoor/260 for Deer, Elk, and whatever else.....

Got 10 of the 147s across the chrono. No pressure signs. ~75 degrees or so. I'm in the shade of a large tree. Whenever wife's friends who came over leave I'll shoot the 143s and update.


What length of barrel?

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I think he said earlier it is a tikka with a 19” barrel.
Yep. Got 4 143 shot yesterday and then they started working in field next door so I need to finish today. Similar velocity to 147 though

What will probably make the decision for me is If one lines up with quick drop or a wind # better than the other.
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I had my first on-game experience with the CE 125gr Lazer this spring coming from an 18” 6.5CM. Approximately 415 yard shot with an impact velocity somewhere around 2250fps. Was a nice black bear with a steep quartering to angle. A single shot impacted the bear, which caused the bear to run for around 10-20 yards and then pile up under a tree.

I found the base of the bullet on the inside of the hide at the end of the wound channel. As we would already be getting back to camp at 1:00am and we were dealing with the bear via headlamp in grizz country, I didn’t dive into the chest cavity to explore the wound channel or search for the fragments that broke off.

I’m intrigued by these bullets so will try and get some photos of some wound channels later in the year.
Has anyone used the Hornady 140grn BTHP with a 6.5 creedmore? Local dealer has a good ale on them

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Shot 10 that I loaded up at 41.5gr H4350 with 147 ELD-M. I'd hoped to gain about 30-40 fps and not find pressure but that was not the case.

I do think that the rounds showing signs of pressure sat in the chamber longer, but for the minimal velocity gain over 41gr H4350 I'm just going to roll with 41gr and 2513fps and load up a few hundred.

On a side note I'm not sure what the deal with shot 5 is... 2728 with no pressure signs! I'm thinking chronograph error (magnetospeed sporter strapped to a supressor). I excluded that shot from my AVG/SD/ES (I also calc'd it excluding shot 6 but not sure how realistic that is). I know that shot 6 sat in the chamber while I looked at the case on 5 for pressure signs and shot 6 was the first case I saw an ejector mark on.

Cases in order 1-10 from top to bottom rows 4 & 5 (from the left). Cases showing pressure are row 5 (from left).


Shot 10 that I loaded up at 41.5gr H4350 with 147 ELD-M. I'd hoped to gain about 30-40 fps and not find pressure but that was not the case.

I do think that the rounds showing signs of pressure sat in the chamber longer, but for the minimal velocity gain over 41gr H4350 I'm just going to roll with 41gr and 2513fps and load up a few hundred.

On a side note I'm not sure what the deal with shot 5 is... 2728 with no pressure signs! I'm thinking chronograph error (magnetospeed sporter strapped to a supressor). I excluded that shot from my AVG/SD/ES (I also calc'd it excluding shot 6 but not sure how realistic that is). I know that shot 6 sat in the chamber while I looked at the case on 5 for pressure signs and shot 6 was the first case I saw an ejector mark on.

Cases in order 1-10 from top to bottom rows 4 & 5 (from the left). Cases showing pressure are row 5 (from left).



Use a slower powder like RL26 and you should easily reach 2700 fps, at least I do in my 20" CTR.
Use a slower powder like RL26 and you should easily reach 2700 fps, at least I do in my 20" CTR.
I’ve got like 15lbs of H4350 but that’s a good idea should I find some RL26! I have 1lb of staball 6.5 but found it barely faster than h4350
A friend used a 6.5 Grendal to shoot a black bear out of a tree with a 123 gr ELDM. Damage was very impressive. The bullet hit the shoulder and smashed it. It was completely floppy when we skinned the bear. Either it was completely shattered or it might have broken it in two places due to the shoulder being bunched up. In any case, the bullet went through the shoulder bone, into the chest and exited out the far ribs. I didn't see an bullet fragments. Not a huge black bear but not tiny either. I would feel comfortable using this combo again and on bigger game than this bear.

Rl 22 or 23 will get you to 2700 or more with a 147 as well. I have a 21" Fieldcraft and get over 2760 with very good accuracy using 22 or 23. No pressure signs that I can tell.
@Formidilosus in your extensive experience, what is the lightest (total weight with scope, rings, suppressor, etc) that the average person can accurately shoot to 500yds (knowing the average person cannot accurately shoot that far) basically how light is too light for the average person to shoot well at any distance I guess is my real question. Thanks

About 8.5lbs all up. 9.5lbs is even better.
My new 6.5cm load. Details in pics. Velocity is abut 2595 fps with the 18" barrel. Previous load was with N555 which would shoot about 1 moa for 10 rounds. I changed because it had too much compression for my liking. I'll be using the combo for moose in September.


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well, having read through this thread and the 223 one as well as listening to the podcast with The Experience Project, now that the fact-based data have convinced me that a 6.5 Creedmoor will be just as lethal with lower recoil than the 7PRC I thought I needed, @Formidilosus in your extensive experience, what is the lightest (total weight with scope, rings, suppressor, etc) that the average person can accurately shoot to 500yds (knowing the average person cannot accurately shoot that far) basically how light is too light for the average person to shoot well at any distance I guess is my real question. Thanks
As another reference, significantly lighter weight rifles can do exactly what your requirements are as well.
With my sub 7 lb Fieldcraft 6.5 with scope and loaded, 500 yards in field positions are relatively easy. As with reading the wind, it just takes practice and time spent actually doing the activity to develop the skill. Form may say that the average person will not be able to do that, and thats probably true, but there are a good many of us who do develop those skills and can perform at that level.
As another reference, significantly lighter weight rifles can do exactly what your requirements are as well.
With my sub 7 lb Fieldcraft 6.5 with scope and loaded, 500 yards in field positions are relatively easy. As with reading the wind, it just takes practice and time spent actually doing the activity to develop the skill. Form may say that the average person will not be able to do that, and thats probably true, but there are a good many of us who do develop those skills and can perform at that level.

Nah. It just takes dedicated, correct practice.
I got another 6.5 kill to report. My son shot his biggest black bear with the 6.5 Grendal. It squared 5 ft 11 but had short legs and a big torso so it was bigger in the body than you might think. The bear didn't go any farther then bears shot with a .308, 30-06 or .358 that I've seen (all bigger/faster bullets). There was a descent blood trail (for bears) and the exit was a bloody mess.
If I'd seen this thread 5 years ago my hunting arsenals would probably be 1 or 2 rifles with all the extra money I spent on other guns going to something more productive (binoculars, spotters, an ATV, etc.)
I got another 6.5 kill to report. My son shot his biggest black bear with the 6.5 Grendal. It squared 5 ft 11 but had short legs and a big torso so it was bigger in the body than you might think. The bear didn't go any farther then bears shot with a .308, 30-06 or .358 that I've seen (all bigger/faster bullets). There was a descent blood trail (for bears) and the exit was a bloody mess.
If I'd seen this thread 5 years ago my hunting arsenals would probably be 1 or 2 rifles with all the extra money I spent on other guns going to something more productive (binoculars, spotters, an ATV, etc.)
What distance and bullet?