6.5 Creedmoor/260 for Deer, Elk, and whatever else.....

For that PRC, I'd use a tougher bullet, like an accubond. Don't take it for granted that you'll have to shoot one over 200 yards., as you're just as likely to shoot one at 100 or less.
I've got a couple threads going about a suppressed 16.5" Creedmoor I got going. I was able to hit the range yesterday and accuracy/precision was exceptional but velocity was understandably lower. 2550 FPS at the muzzle for 143 ELD-X.

Anyone launch the 143 ELD-X on the lower side of velocity?
Can anyone chime in with more 140 Berger Elite Hunter experience? This thread is quite convincing with ELD-X, ELD-M, and TMK experience, but seems to be relatively few people using the Bergers. I have always been a big Accubond fan, but am trying to talk myself into a switch.

I have an Aoudad hunt in February that I am considering using my 6.5 PRC. I was hoping to use the Hornady's but just couldn't get them to shoot; however, the 140 Elite Hunter is shooting great at 2,880 MV. It sounds like with the Berger it's wise to keep your impact velocity >2000 ft/sec.

I have some buddies telling me I'd be unwise to move away from the 160 AB, but I'm not so sure...
I’m very happy with the performance of the elite hunters Ive used so far. All have been relatively short shots (sub 200). I killed two deer last year with accubonds and, for me personally, the Berger’s have performed better at those ranges. Don’t get me wrong, all shots resulted in dead and recovered deer but internal damage was more impressive with the Berger’s. Also the accubonds were 110s out of a 257AI at 2950 where my Berger’s are 140s out of a 260 at 2720.
Can anyone chime in with more 140 Berger Elite Hunter experience? This thread is quite convincing with ELD-X, ELD-M, and TMK experience, but seems to be relatively few people using the Bergers. I have always been a big Accubond fan, but am trying to talk myself into a switch.

I have an Aoudad hunt in February that I am considering using my 6.5 PRC. I was hoping to use the Hornady's but just couldn't get them to shoot; however, the 140 Elite Hunter is shooting great at 2,880 MV. It sounds like with the Berger it's wise to keep your impact velocity >2000 ft/sec.

I have some buddies telling me I'd be unwise to move away from the 160 AB, but I'm not so sure...
Small sample, but the results on a couple deer from the 133EH out of my 25 have been as expected with quick kills. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot the Bergers if they're shooting good. The only reason I would say stick with the accubond is if you're a shoulder shootin, 2 holes kinda guy. Otherwise, a straight shot into the vitals with that Berger will kill.
I've got a couple threads going about a suppressed 16.5" Creedmoor I got going. I was able to hit the range yesterday and accuracy/precision was exceptional but velocity was understandably lower. 2550 FPS at the muzzle for 143 ELD-X.

Anyone launch the 143 ELD-X on the lower side of velocity?
That's probably a lot better than launching those particular bullets at higher speeds, as there have been some less than stellar reports concerning the 143 ELDX's. If you're reloading try the 139 Scenar, as they are far superior to anything Hornady makes.
Can anyone chime in with more 140 Berger Elite Hunter experience? This thread is quite convincing with ELD-X, ELD-M, and TMK experience, but seems to be relatively few people using the Bergers. I have always been a big Accubond fan, but am trying to talk myself into a switch.

I have an Aoudad hunt in February that I am considering using my 6.5 PRC. I was hoping to use the Hornady's but just couldn't get them to shoot; however, the 140 Elite Hunter is shooting great at 2,880 MV. It sounds like with the Berger it's wise to keep your impact velocity >2000 ft/sec.

I have some buddies telling me I'd be unwise to move away from the 160 AB, but I'm not so sure...

I have not used the elite hunter line but the 140 vld line with great results with shots ranging from sub 100 out to 864 I think is the farthest we’ve shot an animal with the 140 VLD. I would expect elite hunter line to perform similar as well.

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I killed three does Monday morning with the 130vldh out of an x bolt 6.5 creed. All three around 135 yards, all exited, two ran 30 yards, one fell where she stood. Massive trauma, no complaints.

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Can anyone chime in with more 140 Berger Elite Hunter experience? This thread is quite convincing with ELD-X, ELD-M, and TMK experience, but seems to be relatively few people using the Bergers. I have always been a big Accubond fan, but am trying to talk myself into a switch.

I have an Aoudad hunt in February that I am considering using my 6.5 PRC. I was hoping to use the Hornady's but just couldn't get them to shoot; however, the 140 Elite Hunter is shooting great at 2,880 MV. It sounds like with the Berger it's wise to keep your impact velocity >2000 ft/sec.

I have some buddies telling me I'd be unwise to move away from the 160 AB, but I'm not so sure...
We have killed a few elk (10-15) with the 140 HT. From 2 .260s and one anemic 6.5-284. 2800fps mv+\- Some required 2 shots but it was never the bullets fault. Not your exact bullet but fairly close.
They are much less picky when it comes to reloading, OAL, accuracy, etc. They hold together much better at higher higher impact velocities.
Fair enough. I do know they tend to be much more accurate, now that I think about it, based off a few guys I know that have used them quite a bit. I’ve never used the scenars so wasn’t sure about killing performance because I’ve heard/read both negative and positive comments about it. Just further illustrates the fact that the shooter needs to know their bullet and how it performs for their intended purpose.
So would you shoot a moose with, say, a 147 ELDM? Maintains 1800 fps and should fragment out to about 650 yards. I guess more specifically would you choose this bullet for a moose hunt.
That's probably a lot better than launching those particular bullets at higher speeds, as there have been some less than stellar reports concerning the 143 ELDX's. If you're reloading try the 139 Scenar, as they are far superior to anything Hornady makes.
My experience was with the 136 Scenar-L and they did not perform anywhere near as well on game as ELDMs, ELDXs, and TMKs. The results I had were about 6” of tumbling before any fragmentation. On a broadside shot, they would take out the far side lung and pencil through anything before that. On one quartering to shot, the bullet didn’t fragment until it was through the heart lung area and into the liver and stomach. All my experience with them was on shots inside 120 yards, so I would be reticent to use them at longer distances. I’ve heard plenty of people who like the 139 Scenar in 6.5 and the 155 in 308, and maybe the 136 Scenar-L is different. But I'm not in a rush to buy more of them when ELDMs, ELDXs, and TMKs kill more effectively and are significantly cheaper.
My experience was with the 136 Scenar-L and they did not perform anywhere near as well on game as ELDMs, ELDXs, and TMKs. The results I had were about 6” of tumbling before any fragmentation. On a broadside shot, they would take out the far side lung and pencil through anything before that. On one quartering to shot, the bullet didn’t fragment until it was through the heart lung area and into the liver and stomach. All my experience with them was on shots inside 120 yards, so I would be reticent to use them at longer distances. I’ve heard plenty of people who like the 139 Scenar in 6.5 and the 155 in 308, and maybe the 136 Scenar-L is different. But I'm not in a rush to buy more of them when ELDMs, ELDXs, and TMKs kill more effectively and are significantly cheaper.
This has been the common thing I’ve heard from people that have shot them at game more so than people who say they perform better than any of the others you listed.
Can anyone chime in with more 140 Berger Elite Hunter experience? This thread is quite convincing with ELD-X, ELD-M, and TMK experience, but seems to be relatively few people using the Bergers. I have always been a big Accubond fan, but am trying to talk myself into a switch.

I have an Aoudad hunt in February that I am considering using my 6.5 PRC. I was hoping to use the Hornady's but just couldn't get them to shoot; however, the 140 Elite Hunter is shooting great at 2,880 MV. It sounds like with the Berger it's wise to keep your impact velocity >2000 ft/sec.

I have some buddies telling me I'd be unwise to move away from the 160 AB, but I'm not so sure...
I worked up a load in my 6.5 PRC for this year's hunt, took an antelope at 338 and mule deer at over 400. Antelope took one shot, he was quartering toward me and I hit him a little back, got one lung, he just walked about 10 yards and then laid down. I snuck up to 210 yards and hit him with another shot.
Mule deer was 405 quartering away, hit him with a solid shot, he hunched up and slowly walked another 13 yards where I hit him with another at 418, he dropped like a sack of rocks.

Used Lapua brass, 58.3 grains N560 lit by a Fed 210M primer, 2.95" COAL shot great in SAAMI chamber. Got me 2,950 fps in a new 20" Bartlein barrel.

I'm going to keep using the 140 elites...
Picked up a phone scope for this season and turned out to be a pretty neat purchase.

However running a 20" Custom M70 with a proof research barrel put together by LRI. Running a upper Node for sure but not seeing pressure with 42.5gr of h4350 and 143gr ELD-X giving 2720fps. Has been a great rifle so far.


This was my chance to record while hunting with my wife and her dad.

666y, 2,070’ish FPS impact, 130gr Berger OTM Hybrid AR, did not leave his bed-
View attachment 358436

801y, 1,850fps impact, 130gr Berger OTM, traveled 70’ish yards-
View attachment 358438

606y, 130gr Berger hybrid, 1,850fps impact, traveled around 60 yards maybe-
View attachment 358439

676y, 130gr Terminal Ascent, 1,970fps impact, traveled 130’ish yards-
View attachment 358440

328y, 130gr TMK, 40’ish yards traveled-
View attachment 358445

373y, 143gr ELD-X, less than 10 yards traveled-
View attachment 358446

373 or 378y can’t remember exactly, 130gr TMK, 70-80 yards travel-
View attachment 358447

I can post more later.

What scope were you using on the long shots

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