I don't have pics of this year's stiff but I (we) put 4 down with a .260 rem, Remington 700 I bought on here. I used sig elite hunter 130s. Absolutely devastating.
Shot one was 164 yards, facing me, quartering slightly. Entered just right of her right shoulder on a mature doe, she took 4 steps and died. Necropsy showed front of right lung and catching heart, rear of left lungs and stopping in the gut.
Shot two was 311 yards on a broadside buck. Entrance was high behind shoulder and exit was just under offside elbow. This was due to the extreme angle myself and the buck (Shooting DOWN and compensating weirdly). He ran about 60 yards before expiring in the field about 50 yards from my truck. Necropsy showed both lungs to be complete mush.
Shot three was by my son. 35 yard shot through left shoulder and out just behind right shoulder. Quartering to. Ran 130ish yards with great blood, down a gulley and back up and finally parallelling the rim for about 80 yards before expiring and rolling into it. Necropsy showed both lungs absolutely mangled. Heart completely separated from the hoses. No idea how he made it that far losing the amount of fluid he was losing.
Shot four was from about 11 yards while my son was trying to gut his deer. Doe was working up the draw and stood too long broadside and I popped her. 2" behind right shoulder, exit the same behind left shoulder. She took one step and died. Necropsy showed complete soup of the lungs.
I went from being absolutely anti the 6.5 CM to loving the .260. I was shooting the 6.5 CM Hornady American whitetail in 129 grains a couple years ago and have VERY poor performance. Deer DIED but it was neither fast, nor simple to find them. That year my shortest track was 250 yards. I don't know how to explain it but now I'm allll in on the .260.