- Joined
- Sep 30, 2017
I had a box of these come in and loaded a few up the other night. After talking to Berger and with the above advice, I loaded 2 per with H4350 at 38.5, 39.0, 39.5, 40.0, and 40.5. Brass is Lapua small primer, primers are CCI BR-4. COAL is 2.815. Barrel is a 22'' Hawk Hill.
Velocities were as follows (ALWAYS WORK UP CAREFULLY IN YOUR OWN RIFLE!)
I found no pressure signs at 40.5. Primers are still fully rounded. Bolt lift was easy. For some reason my rifle ejector marks everything, even my really tame loads, so I just watch my primers and bolt lift.
At this point I guess I will keep working up carefully. I'm going to tighten up my charge weight jumps to .2-.3 grains from here on out as I can't imagine I have a long ways to go.
If I can get 2650 I will be quite happy!
OP, if you want me to start my own thread just let me know. I don't want to hijack.
Interested in this I shoot the 140s and 4350 currently but kicked around getting a box 2 try because y not
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