6.5 conversion question for you gun guys

May 12, 2017
Quick question: I have a brand new remington 700 mountain ss in 6.5 creedmor. It has 2.5X in value since I got it. I was going to gift it to my youngest boy for x mas but now feel like thats giving a 16 yo a Mercedes for his first car. I am considering keeping it and getting him something else.
Question is, what would it take to rechamber this in a 6.5prc? Obviously a barrel swap which i was going to probably do with 5r rifling anyway but would this cause issues with the magazine and bolt face? Just wanted something with a little more thump than the creed. It might not be worth it or feasible so i wanted to ask.. Thanks in advance.

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bolt face would need to be opened up and you might be able to just run a 6.5prc reamer to open up the chamber so wouldn't necessary need a new barrel
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Why does its value have anything to do with whether you give it to your son? The first rifle my Dad gave me is priceless and I wouldn’t take any amount of money for it. The thought of doing something else with it just because it’s worth more than it was a few years ago would never have entered my mind. It’s NOT a car and it didn't cost you a fortune to buy. Sorry it’s not the answer you are looking for, but it’s still my opinion.
Why would you hesitate to give it to him just because the value has gone up? Are you saving it for an investment? It doesn’t sound like it since you are talking about re-barelling and re-chambering. As soon

If your son is like mine, then he’ll never sell his first rifle. Heck mine probably won’t sell his second or the next few that I’m giving him either.
Keep it as-is and buy the kid a Tikka to beat up for a couple of years.
Give it to him when he's a little older and wiser...

I'm in the same boat. I got my 10yr old a beautiful 6.5creed Browning A bolt that is almost too nice. Price was right though and he's getting it regardless.

I'm sure it'll get some bumps and bruises with time. Just have to keep it in mind that it's a tool, not a piece of art work.

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You will most likely have feeding problems as the case is a lot fatter then a 6.5 CM case and it isnt worth paying a gunsmith to work on it, you will also need a new bolt and it needs to be fitted by a gunsmith. I would buy a new rifle.
A rem factory mtn rifle isn't worth 2.5X what it sold for new. If it's a Ti different story but still not 2.5x.

If you alter it, what value it's gained will be lost.

I'm not going to look at reamer specs, but you could probably rechamber existing barrel to 6.5x284 with out changing bolt face. You could also rechamber to 6.5 prc, but would need a new bolt or boltface opened up. Either might need work to feed. You will be somewhat limiting either cartridge on a 2.8" mag box.

If you're going to go to a whole re-barrel etc. probably better off finding a different donor to build off of.
Sportsman’s has these for $1000. Are you saying you paid $400 for it or they’re worth $2,500 now?
Sportmans warehouse has these in stock??. I have been Google searching it and only gunbroker comes up for $2400. I ain't paying that when I got mine under a grand.

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If you are heart set on a 6.5 with your parts, I'd go 260 or 260ai. The x284 can feed odd sometimes and you'll not want to mod the rails if ever going back to stock. If you re tube it, it's never going back to stock....you'll like the makers tubes mucho.
Thank you. I just seen that they have it but in the same caliber. They didn't offer many calibers for this rifle unfortunately. If I can get one with a little more knockdown power I might just gift the creedmor. I think they had it in just short actions though. Id take a .308.
Regardless how much would it cost to have a Smith do the work for a prc roughly? It probably won't be worth it in the end.
If I were to build one based off a remington 700 stainless action, what one would I need?

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Why does its value have anything to do with whether you give it to your son? The first rifle my Dad gave me is priceless and I wouldn’t take any amount of money for it. The thought of doing something else with it just because it’s worth more than it was a few years ago would never have entered my mind. It’s NOT a car and it didn't cost you a fortune to buy. Sorry it’s not the answer you are looking for, but it’s still my opinion.
I totally get it. Its more about appreciation to me. I just dont think he is where he would appreciate it or the value of it. I think he would feel the same about a $500 rifle or a tikka. Also my older son as well as myself are both shooting a $500 TC venture for a deer rifle, lol. I do have a real nice elk rifle and many others but I keep my rifle specific to use or species. That allows me to think I don't have to many and still need more and my fiance don't understand that I could probably just use my 7mm for everything but that'll be our little secret

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I would think that a stainless, burly synthetic stock, light recoiling chambered, oodles of aftermarket component action, gift from dad of a rifle would be perfect for a young hunter. A far cry and another long shot from a Mercedes.

He probably appreciates stuff as much as he has been taught to.
I would think that a stainless, burly synthetic stock, light recoiling chambered, oodles of aftermarket component action, gift from dad of a rifle would be perfect for a young hunter. A far cry and another long shot from a Mercedes.

He probably appreciates stuff as much as he has been taught to.
He can have my beamer to, now that is the absolute worst investment I've ever made, no bs. If you ever want a car that is in the shop almost as much as it is out and cost you more in maintenance than the payment itself. That is the car for you..

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Tough one... if its about the value/appreciation of the rifle, then don't mod it to 6.5PRC because that takes all the value out of it. Maybe the best thing would be to sell it for a few extra bucks and then buy a different rifle and glass for your son?

Find a used Tikka and give it to him, and take some of the extra money and buy yourself something with the mag bolt to get your 6.5 PRC build going.
Thank you. I just seen that they have it but in the same caliber. They didn't offer many calibers for this rifle unfortunately. If I can get one with a little more knockdown power I might just gift the creedmor. I think they had it in just short actions though. Id take a .308.
Regardless how much would it cost to have a Smith do the work for a prc roughly? It probably won't be worth it in the end.
If I were to build one based off a remington 700 stainless action, what one would I need?

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Labor alone a few hundred depending on your choice of extractors and brake/no brake. Add another 150+ for coating and the price of the tube at 250-400+.