6.5 CM vs 6.5 PRC what are the differences ?

At short range I don’t think 200-300 fps is goin to matter. But if what the benefit of doubt, 6.5 prc.
Well yea, but that’s a known fact.

I have a creedmoor, but don’t have enough hair if I wanted a bun. So there are some exceptions.

I feel your pain, I started loosing my hair at around 23 and I’m now 51.
Just stop over thinking it and go with the PRC.
It’s everything the CM is and more but not over doing it.

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I have and love a creed. Don’t know much more than what I read about prc.

For the sake of discussion, if a 6.5 creed is comparable to a 308 then is a 6.5 PRC a 30-06 or a 300 mag in terms of ballistic performance and recoil? Do PRCs eat barrels as fast as a 300 magnum?
What are you looking for in the rifle?

The positives of the Creedmoor are longer barrel life, slightly less recoil, less powder (more loads per pound), cheaper and more abundant factory stuff.

Just like mentioned above, the PRC has the advantage of a few hundred FPS in velocity (flatter shooting, more energy and less wind drift)

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I have both and the Creedmoor does kick less but the PRC isn't bad at all. For comparison I got rid of a 300WM to get the PRC because of recoil and I am very happy with that decision.
go to hornady's site and compare their 6.5 creed in 143 eld-x with their prc also in 143 eld-x. that will be apples to apples. the prc is roughly 10-15% faster and more energy. so not night vs day but there is def a difference. i have these two and also a 300wsm and frankly with a good brake (area 419 hellfire) there is very little felt recoil or muzzle jump.

PRC recoil is MUCH less than a 30-06.
I would even say the PRC recoil is pleasant.
Personally, the extra velocity, downrange energy, and subsequent trajectory is worth whatever you might consider a negative.

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