5 Things Wrong With the Hunting Industry in 2018

To the OP: I don't know you and neither do 99.9% of the people here, so I don't think folks can fairly judge your intentions. They can however, judge your delivery and I think this is where you ought to maybe do some listening. Don't be discourage by the old cranky dudes, but usually there is some wisdom contained in there, if you can weed through the "those damn flat brim you-tubers, snorting lines of mtn ops and taking gym selfies..."

Here is some non-cranky, unsolicited advice: hang out on Rokslide and listen more/post less. I probably post on 10% of the threads I read because I am either unqualified to speak (or at least less qualified than those that have already posted), I don't have an informed opinion, or my informed opinion has already been stated. If you do this for a while, you will find a small group of guys with consistently informed opinions, credibility, and knowledge. I learn a hell of a lot more from listening to experienced guys than I do posting my thoughts. When I post, it falls into two categories: 1. value-added to the thread and OP (hopefully like this post) or 2. being a smart-ass to get some laughs (previous post). #FLATBRIMSBROTEINSHAKEGYMSELFIEFOREVER!
Everybody has to be somebody these days... more emphasis is being put on gaining notoriety, social media presence, and likes/shares than actually getting out in the field and hunting hard/filling tags. I personally don't care what others do with their time, it doesn't affect me or what I do in the field. Companies throughout the industry are as much to blame as the people doing it in that they place social media presence much higher than the individuals actual ability or drive to be successful.

That being said, there are certainly a few in the industry and YouTubers that have my respect because they do get after it hard, each and every year. Sadly they are not the norm.

Basically what I was going to reply except you were much more diplomatic about it so I'll just say +1. It is certainly the most annoying development. Are humans more narcissistic than any point in human history or has social media just made them more visible and irritating?
... has social media just made them more visible and irritating?

Yes. Main reason why I'm no longer on FB after ten years of having an account. It added no value to my life, only irritation.

Of course, all of my data has probably been sold. Oh well, it was already stolen in an OPM data breach two years ago.
I'm reminded of the Forum Rules for Rokslide that I read when I was a lurker, which I found to be refreshing and appealing, so I decided to join the forum:

The Rokslide forums are all about sharing information and communicating with others in a positive, upbeat atmosphere. Our forum posting rules are very simple: no whining, crying, sobbing, bitching, sniveling, sulking, bickering, complaining, or pouting! If you feel compelled to do any of the above, there are plenty of other website forums out there that allow such behavior. Now that you understand our rules, post away and enjoy!

I think this remains good advice and I try to be mindful of this rule everytime I post here, trying to keep myself from going off half-cocked when I disagree with what someone has to say. Alot of guys have legitimate points above, some of the criticism is constructive, some, not so much. At any rate, if someone breaks the rules regarding links to social media, promoting stuff as a non-supporter of the Forum, etc., they should be called out on it discretely and asked not to repeat it. If they do not comply, the discipline should be "wratcheted up" accordingly, but I think the bazooka may have been reached for prematurely in this case. I'll leave it to the trusting hands of our Mods to do what's best.

As for Galin, I'm wiping the slate clean and will look forward to future posts from him.
Nothing wrong with posting the videos as long as they’re posted in accordance with the rules and not circumventing the intent of the RS rules. Galen seems to take criticism and disagreement pretty well, which is a prerequisite to posting on the internet.

I think the issue comes when you’re using RS to advertise your YouTube channel (which earns you money) and there’s RS isn’t benefiting. I’m sure the owners of RS would be happy to include quality content from just about anyone if it goes through the right channels.

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