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Get accustomed to it guys! Caribou are experiencing a severe down trend throughout the world. It's not just an off year. Typically, without predator control; the caribou population cycle seems to span nearly a half century or more. There's not a lot of data out there but historical accounts over the past century indicate the span from low to high population is more than most of us want to believe.

I wish more guides would offer more affordable bear hunts [some do] and wolf hunting should be on every hunter's agenda.

We had wolf tags when we went in 2022 for caribou but didn’t see any. AK needs to really do something about the bears. We saw plenty of them daily and in 3 days 2 1/2 caribou were eaten in our camp…

This bear was where a meat cache was the day before. We moved it hoping to salvage what was left…


This was the new location of the meat cache and what was left of my wife’s caribou after 2 nights….

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I had an amazing draw caribou permit this year but didn't bring one home. In seven days I saw less than a handful of caribou which was disappointing. I'm okay with that though, because I had the opportunity to watch over a dozen black bears and two amazing interior grizzlies every day. I brought home a delicious black bear, and had way more fun hunting it than I would have a caribou.
Personally, if I don't see bears when I'm out hunting I never feel fulfilled regardless of whether I punch a tag or not. I hope we always have bears here.