375 ruger custom rifle options

Can you briefly explain how you opened it up?
I typically place the action loosely in the stock with rear action screw intact but not torqued; forward screw out. Take a belt sander belt and tear it to make a sanding strap, place heavy tape to the backside of the edges of now strap with just a fuzz hanging over each side edge (this keeps it from marking your barrel), and then with grit to barrel channel, work it back and forth as you would a cable saw. As the friction decreases, add tension to rear screw. Once done you’ll have a perfectly shaped barrel channel. I have found that the finer grit paper works better.. regular sand paper is what I used the first couple times but it wears out really fast and often tears.. I’ve done about 15 rifles this way.
.375 ruger I just finished
Plainfield cut barrel for me.
Defiance anti-x
Wilson carbon barrel 18.5” 1:12 twist
Christensen MPR modified chassis (this will soon change)
Started w mdt carbon grip.. no-go busted 2nd round
MDT modified .300 win mag 3 rd mag (after tweaking, feeds beautifully)
Vortex rings
Zeiss v6 3-18x50
8lbs 10oz scoped and loaded w 3 rounds in mag. Shooting factory Hornady 230gr under 1/2” at 115yards. IMG_8576.jpeg