338 lapua

Mar 10, 2013
who has one and curious what your thoughts would be on one that weighs under 6 pounds for a light weight mountain rifle. would have a carbon barrel,26'', titanium action and carbon stock, a fierce ct edge. curious if that is a bad way to go if choosing a 338 lapua being so light? probly will end up with a 300wm as i really dont need what a 338 lapua delivers but entertaining the idea.
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Recoil and muzzle blast will be significant. I once considered the same thing in a Weatherby. I now have a 300wsm and 300wm and don't regret the decision.
cant imagine the recoil being more than the 416 rigby i have un braked. its a big push with 100 grains of powder pushing 300 grain bullets. i never will brake the rigby but the 338 would have one for sure. never have shot the 300wsm, is it more sharp recoil wise compared to the wm?
Im also on the same track. Im going to have my 338LM rebarreled with a 30" PROOF Research carbon fiber barrel. Mine is a steel action in a HS stock plus glass, so even with the CF barrel it won't be 6lbs.
I would encourage you to stay with the 338LM if you plan to take long shots on big game. You will have almost half the wind drift over the 300's and almost twice the kinetic energy at 1000yds. Just make sure you get at least a 1-9.5" or faster twist, which is ideal to stabilize the Berger Hybrids. Im trying to get a 1-9" twist for mine incase there are some higher BC bullets in the future that I want to play with.
If you've got the .590 boltface action already, I'd sooner do something like a .300 Norma Mag, or variant. Plenty enough performance gain over a .300WinMag, with ballistics that beat a .338Lapua, plus quite a bit less recoil to manage.

Sure, you'll be sacrificing some energy on target, but whatever it is you're hunting likely won't survive the difference...
cant imagine the recoil being more than the 416 rigby i have un braked. its a big push with 100 grains of powder pushing 300 grain bullets. i never will brake the rigby but the 338 would have one for sure. never have shot the 300wsm, is it more sharp recoil wise compared to the wm?
Push vs getting kicked in the face by a mule.. my buddy has a 7.5lb all in 338 rum not braked. It's not pleasant, once was enough.