300wm: Tikka T3x Superlite vs. CA Ridgeline vs. ?


Jan 18, 2017
The title is the short-and-long of it, but here's a few more details...

Will get the opportunity this coming deer season to hunt some extended distances (fields that open up to 700+ yards), and am looking seriously at trying to get an out-of-state elk tag next season. I'd like to have one rifle to use for both opportunities, should they present themselves, and sold some expensive stuff sitting around unused to fund the purchase.

Started looking at magnum calibers (vs. 308 Win.) and semi-settled on 300 Win. Mag. due to the availability of ammo and the additional velocity (and energy) it holds downrange vs. the 308.

I initially considered the Browning Hell's Canyon Speed, Christensen Arms Ridgeline, and Tikka T3x Superlite (all in 300wm).

Browning HCS
Pros: Ability to mag load longer rounds than Tikka, muzzle brake.
Cons: Internet accounts point to dubious QC, design, etc. Heavier than Tikka.​

CA Ridgeline
Pros: Ability to mag load longer rounds than Tikka, muzzle brake.
Cons: Heavier than Tikka. Not 100% sold on carbon fiber barrels.​

Tikka T3x Superlite
Pros: Lightest weight, Tikka reputation for quality/accuracy.
Cons: Mag length limits rounds to SAAMI max COAL spec, no muzzle brake.​

Anyone care to weigh in? I'm leaning very heavily towards the Tikka, but thought I'd see if anyone here had a detail unbeknownst to me which would tip the scales one way or the other.

Thanks for the help, ladies/gentlemen.
let me open the gates .....
Tikka T3x superlight in 300 win mag gets my vote - the "short magazine" B.S. gets me chuckling a bit ... for those who think they need to shove the bullet up into the lands I say "go for it" but I have and see no need to bother worrying about such superficial things with a rifle that shoots every handload I've put through it (my son's) into solid MOA groups and 200 grain accubonds into 1/2" 4 shot groups out to 300 yards tested works for us just fine - (of course those 200's probably "destabilize" at 350 yards, HA HA HA)

I don't know who you have been talking to but the Browning Xbolt is as finely built as any factory rifle out there, a little bit less lightweight than the Tikka but not by much, a tine bit longer magazine length (if you must) but very good guns

I can't speak for the Christensen Arms big game calibers but I've owned 3 varmint versions, 1-223 & 2-22/250's which both lost accuracy much MUCH sooner than what the carbon barrel boys say should have happened but they did and I'm no longer impressed with that magical feature

given those three choices that's my personal opinion

Thanks a lot, GK.

I've not really talked to anyone about the Browning - but they seem to not have a sterling of a reputation online as the Tikka's. Just have seen more posts saying this or that broke on the Browning (X-bolts, specifically). So, I know next-to-nothing about them, specifically that model.
I have the Hells Canyon and it is a very nice rifle. I chose it over the Ridgeline and the Tikka. For double the cost the Ridgeline was not that great of a rifle. QC was not there at all. I like the Tikkas but I like heavy bullets and reload so that one was out. I may give the creedmoor a try in the Super Lite when it comes out though.
Thanks a lot, GK.

I've not really talked to anyone about the Browning - but they seem to not have a sterling of a reputation online as the Tikka's. Just have seen more posts saying this or that broke on the Browning (X-bolts, specifically). So, I know next-to-nothing about them, specifically that model.

X bolt is made by Moruko of Japan, same manufacturer who has been making Browning's GUNS since they left Belgium mfg (and a ton of other companies too) - I've not heard of anything that others, factory or custom, might not have happen to them - If I'm missing something here "whoever" knows please speak up, that's what forums are for
Can you quantify the performance a little more than "very nice" (assuming that refers to performance)? Group size? Also, what caliber is your HC in?

I have the Hells Canyon and it is a very nice rifle. I chose it over the Ridgeline and the Tikka. For double the cost the Ridgeline was not that great of a rifle. QC was not there at all. I like the Tikkas but I like heavy bullets and reload so that one was out. I may give the creedmoor a try in the Super Lite when it comes out though.
I have a T3 300WM and while it is true, that the magazine limits a few projectiles from being utilized in an optimal fashion, like loading Berger 215VLDs long, I think the magazine "limitations" get really blown out of proportion. I am currently using a 165 grain Sierra, and it performs rather well, with avergae 3 shot groups around/under .75 MOA, which for a magnum cartridge, and hunting bullet, I am totally good with.

Here are the results of 3- 3shot groups fired one day, while fiddling with load development:

And the only group I shot past 600 yards that day averaged under .5 MOA. It was 3 shots on a spot on a rock, and measured a shade under 3"s. I have not shot enough groups with the rifle at 600+ yards to know what an average would be, but overall I am happy with the performance.

If you are truly worried about the magazine (non) issue, a quick trip to CDI precision, for some new bottom metal, to accept AI mags would alleviate that entirely.

Another thing, I had a brake installed on mine, and there is no reason that you could not do the same on your own.

I have had a fair number of rifles from various manufacturers, and can say without a doubt, that the Tikkas have been on average, the most trouble free, easy to develop a load for, rifles I have ever used.
Truth be told, I'm not 100% sold on 300wm yet; I'm a little afraid now of the recoil (never fired one, don't know what to expect). I just got through shooting two (yes, only 2) 3.5" turkey loads (patterning using a 1150fps, 2.25oz, 3.5" shell) a few weekends ago in prep for the upcoming season, and my shoulder was tender from those two for 4 days (~7.5lb 870 Express).

Are there calibers I'm overlooking? Should I start a new thread? The main point is that I'm wanting something that can deliver some punch on class-3-sized game out at 650+ yards.
Oof.....don't do 3.5's off a shooting bench. Ask me how I know.

Not to toot my horn again, but I've got a sweet 7 in the classifieds.

It hurt. I did it a few years ago (before I had to switch loads this year), and thought I was prepared...I was wrong.

Oof.....don't do 3.5's off a shooting bench. Ask me how I know.

Not to toot my horn again, but I've got a sweet 7 in the classifieds.

3" 11-87 is as heavy as I'll go anymore. I think my 870 only had 4 rounds through it when I sold it. Ha!
A story involving 'pride' and 'falling':

Had never turkey-hunted or shot turkey loads before, so my somewhat small-statured roommate at the time and I headed to the range to pattern our turkey guns. He fired two or three 3" shells from his Express, and was complaining about his shoulder hurting. So, thinking I'd give him a free lesson on how to man-handle recoil of those teeny weeny little 3" loads, I put in a 3.5" shell and said, "watch this and see if you can tell if you're doing something different than I am, holding the gun wrong, etc.". I got into the sitting position and fired. At some point in the recoil cycle, I remember seeing blue sky and clouds.

Unbelievable how much energy those things pack.

Anyway, back to the regularly-scheduled program...
I looked at the T3x Superlites this last Saturday. My first thought was "and people think the Ruger American stocks are cheap". The T3x's felt like a kid's toy.....especially with the hollow stock. No way I'd ever consider a magnum in one of these. I'm even debating the 6.5 CM in one of these now. Maybe I'm just used to heavy rifles, but I'd have a hard time throwing $750 at one of these.
I agree with you about the feel..... but actual use has proved me wrong on the tikkas. I still like upgrading the stock but I just did the lumley pillars and titanium lug on a 300wm with a brake and stock recoil pad......cheapo box of ammo was grouping 1.5" during barrel break-in. I wasn't shooting for groups but regardless it was grouping that consistently. I think it will get better with better ammo and a bit of concentration.


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I don't mind a 'cheap' feeling stock, as long as it's light. I mean, what does 'cheap-feeling' even mean? Are folks who say this simply saying, like you hinted at the possibility of, that they're just used to heavy rifles, and anything lighter feels 'cheap'?

Why would you be afraid of that stock in a magnum caliber? Breaking? I wouldn't shoot it out of a rig that didn't allow it to recoil (lead sled), but should anyone be afraid of it breaking while shooting? Or, is this more of a durability concern in the field that you're hinting at (e.g., dropping the rifle and breaking the stock)?

I looked at the T3x Superlites this last Saturday. My first thought was "and people think the Ruger American stocks are cheap". The T3x's felt like a kid's toy.....especially with the hollow stock. No way I'd ever consider a magnum in one of these. I'm even debating the 6.5 CM in one of these now. Maybe I'm just used to heavy rifles, but I'd have a hard time throwing $750 at one of these.
A story involving 'pride' and 'falling':

Had never turkey-hunted or shot turkey loads before, so my somewhat small-statured roommate at the time and I headed to the range to pattern our turkey guns. He fired two or three 3" shells from his Express, and was complaining about his shoulder hurting. So, thinking I'd give him a free lesson on how to man-handle recoil of those teeny weeny little 3" loads, I put in a 3.5" shell and said, "watch this and see if you can tell if you're doing something different than I am, holding the gun wrong, etc.". I got into the sitting position and fired. At some point in the recoil cycle, I remember seeing blue sky and clouds.

Unbelievable how much energy those things pack.

Anyway, back to the regularly-scheduled program...

It's impressive how much patterning turkey loads can hunt.

Conversely, I shot a couple cases of 3.5" duck shells last year that were 1.5 ounces at 1550 fps. I never remember feeling any recoil.
The rifle was just way too light for a magnum IMO. My 7mag weighs about 10lbs, and I've never really even thought about the weight much when hunting with it. But that hollow stock on the T3x felt like the hollow stock on my BB gun. I'd want to replace it with a B&C or something similar, and if I did that I might as well get the Browning or something else.
Here's a the start of a discussion of the .300 Win Mag in the T3: http://www.rokslide.com/forums/firearms/62561-300-winmag-round-tikka-t3-2.html#post652653

The TL;DR version is that if you don't reload, it's not an issue. If you do reload and don't see any value in getting close to the lands, it's not an issue. Where it becomes an issue is if you do reload and want to shoot the heavy Bergers and eke out the extra performance available in the .300 Win Mag.

Also be aware that the the T3 twist rate is 1:11" instead of the (now) more common 1:10". Again, not an issue unless you intend to use >200 grain bullets.

The above issues are why I don't own a T3 in .300 Win Mag. Those things matter to me, but obviously don't matter to everyone. If the above does matter to you, be prepared to have your reasoning called "superficial" and "BS". :D
The older T3 stocks sounded hollow until you shoved a plastic grocery bag in them. T3x supposedly "fixed" that. They ain't going to break.

The things just flat out shoot. And out shoot quite a few rifles.

Same thing as the old 1911 vs. Glock chat during the 80's. Glocks are rock solid, and I'm a big 1911 fan.