300win mag vs 300wsm build

I think both are good choices I like the 300 win man but that is just my preference. The wsm had a lot more hop to the kick. Brake can easily fix that. I think the wsm was designed to be more efficient but I could be wrong. Either way 300win is smooth feeds smooth shoots smooth and is great for elk, deer, etc. Love my tikka to death but like most said the oal is not the greatest. My old m595 SS 300 win mag has taken a ton of western game one shot half a good distances. Pretty dang light with bipod and scope too. If you want to burn some money build a custom. If you want a budget out of the box get a tikka (super lite, lite, ctr,tac a1) scope bipod you should be able to get around 10lbs. Super lite no question will do the trick. I got a ctr Im trying to get under 10lb suppressed right now. Leupold is about the lightest scope. ctr 6.5cm 7.5lb out of the box which is a little heavy but justifiable with the bull barrel. Scope bipod sling I should be right at 10lbs
So I have been kicking around some ideas and been looking on here at old threads and just can’t come up with an answer so thought I would get some opinions. I have a few custom guns guns, all smaller calibers, and I do have a tikka 270wsm and a ca Mesa 300win mag. I have really started to appreciate guns that are set up more for you than factory guns. I am going to sell my ca Mesa and would like to build in either a win or wsm. At first I settled on the win but the more I look, there really is not much ballistic advantage to either. Either way I go I would like to shoot the Berger 215. Anyone have good luck with that bullet in a 300wsm and what velocities are you seeing? One advantage to me going with the wsm is the weight savings and possibly sending my tikka to hca to have a carbon killer made out of it for a reasonable price. He has built one rifle for me and did a great job. Would like to keep the weight of rifle and scope close to 10lbs and going 300win that may involve a titanium action which will start getting pretty pricey. I have not got to handle a ag composite stock either so not sure how that stock is. Any input would be great.

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You can keep it around 10lbs without going titanium. I've started with Sako TRG-S (not the lightest action), 26" Paradigm carbon barrel chambered 300 WM A191/MK248, Manners EH1, Optilock rings, 4.5-18x44 LRHSi and PVA muzzle brake right at 10.5lbs or 11.2 as pictured w/bipod.
It's little brother is factory Fierce Fury 300 WSM with the barrel chopped to 21" for a handy brush shooting stick is right at 8lbs w/HDLH 2-10x40 or 10.2lbs as pictured w/can and bipod


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I am going to try to keep it at 10lbs. Origin l/a, triggertech special, proof sendero 24 or 26(depending what I can find), nf nx8, still undecided on stock. I really like the krg bravo but I can shave a pound of with a lighter stock. We will see what happens I guess. My guess is it will be a bit over 10 if not closer to 11.

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A 300 wsm will run the 215 Berger and 208 eldm around 2900 in a 22” tube with a full case of 26 or n565, this is with Remington brass. .200 to .225 freebore should be the sweet spot for this bullet and case. It’s an amazing case and a fast barrel will run north of 2950 with the 215 without pressure. Pretty hard to beat the efficiency of the 300 wsm
A 300 wsm will run the 215 Berger and 208 eldm around 2900 in a 22” tube with a full case of 26 or n565, this is with Remington brass. .200 to .225 freebore should be the sweet spot for this bullet and case. It’s an amazing case and a fast barrel will run north of 2950 with the 215 without pressure. Pretty hard to beat the efficiency of the 300 wsm
That's impressive with a 22" barrel!
What make is it, and how far did you shoot to validate your velocity?
300WM is a dinosaur and on it’s way out as a top cartridge. There is nothing wrong with it, it‘s great, but there are better LA cartridges out now, unbelted, able to use magazine space better options. Given the two options 300WSM hands down- you only need to look at 1000yd BR Stats to see why, some guys are still shooting WSM and ranking high. You can get away with a short action with it.
Really the only downside of the 300wsm over the 300wm, barrel life, a 300wm barrel will last much longer.

But man do I love my 300wsm, it slings the 215’s at 2963ft/s.
Just out of curiosity why does a wsm wear barrels out faster than the standard wm?

It doesn't and it shouldn't - unless you're running a WSM super hot in order to reach WM type velocities and comparing it to a WM that is running at modest pressures.
300WM is a dinosaur and on it’s way out as a top cartridge. There is nothing wrong with it, it‘s great, but there are better LA cartridges out now, unbelted, able to use magazine space better options. Given the two options 300WSM hands down- you only need to look at 1000yd BR Stats to see why, some guys are still shooting WSM and ranking high. You can get away with a short action with it.

The 300WM isn't going anywhere.
The 300WM isn't going anywhere.

Agreed. I'm a cartridge geek. I like the short and stubbys, steep shoulders, long neck, etc but I'm still getting a fresh 300 wm barrel chambered up and pre-ordered 300wm lapua brass right now.
I have a barrel and action on order and then everyone comments how great the wsm is and I almost changed it. But I went back and realized it has been around a long time and still isn’t really lacking in to much so I am sticking with it.

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I own both and don't prefer one over the other, both have killed animals without issue and are accurate out to distance. I will say with the panic buying I still can find 300wsm ammo on the shelves cant say the same for 300wm but that could just be my area.
300WM is a dinosaur and on it’s way out as a top cartridge. There is nothing wrong with it, it‘s great, but there are better LA cartridges out now, unbelted, able to use magazine space better options. Given the two options 300WSM hands down- you only need to look at 1000yd BR Stats to see why, some guys are still shooting WSM and ranking high. You can get away with a short action with it.
300WM is definitely not on its way out. I have multiple properly throated rifles in both 300wsm and 300wm. Both calibers will always have their place in my safe. Just my opinion though.
The 300 wm will always be around given its commercial support.
It is however an antiquated case design, and is already being replaced in the precision shooting world by cartridges like the 300 prc and 300 wsm.
Just to name a few
You should have no problem getting a 300 Win Mag under 10 lbs. I'd go 300 WM over the 300 WSM any day of the week. Their is no advantage to the shorter round and if you want to shoot longer BC bullets and seat them out there the 300 Win Mag is a no brainer.

I used a 700 LA donor for my build and with a heavy Zeiss V4 6-24x50 and a McMillan Hunter stock, Bartlein #3 barrel at 26" it's under 9.5 lbs now.

The 300 Win Mag will be around forever. It's arguably the best hunting caliber ever designed and one of the most accurate.
Like the idea of the WSM, but to get the performance out of it I think you need to run it in a long action especially with heavy bullets . My SA with 185 Berger’s is a miserable rip feeding.

I’d do a 300 win all day long.

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Yeah if you want to shoot the heavies your gonna need some powder behind it. Not sure why so many fancy the short cartidges - give up more than the few extra ounces are worth IMO.