300 wsm ammo

Burnt Reynolds

May 29, 2015
Silverton, OR
I've got just more than 100 rounds through my new nosler m48 Liberty, a few different factory loads but thus far the federal premium 180 AB's are shooting about .70 moa pretty consistently, 2870 muzzle velocity and about 10 fps +/- variance. According to nosler they need 1800 fps at least for proper expansion and according to my software that only gets me to 600ish yards. Looking for something with some more oomph.

Was looking for some different factory cartridges and happened upon the doubletap 180 scirroco II cartridges. The numbers on their site look really good. Anyone have experience with doubletap and care to comment on how well they're made, consistency, etc? Bonus points if you're experienced with the aforementioned cartridge. Other suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
I think in about any cartridge you’ll have to go to a match-style hunting bullet to get expansion. Of course, you give up bullet integrity on closer shots.

How far do the Swift bullets get you? I haven’t looked at the charts. But SSII’s have a reputation for finicky accuracy.
Truth be told I really don't see myself shooting at game much past 500 yards and if that were never to change I'd buy a case of the 180 AB and be fat and happy. That said my skills are improving and I'd like the insurance of expansion further down range. Double tap site figures, all else being equal gets me to 900+ yards with the scirocco 2.

When you say finicky is it more like your rifle either likes them or it doesn't, or there's some kind of inconsistency from bullet to bullet?
A lot of Ammunition Co's fudge the numbers on velocity and THE reason that I reload almost all cartridges (except, Defensive Pistol) and Double Tap, did fudge the numbers, on their 10 MM hard cast, Bear loads, by 150 FPS! I agree that, your .300 WSM should kill out to 700- 900 yards as my 140 grain AB .270 WSM load is still going 2,000 FPS at 700 yards. Hopefully somebody can help you with, a better Factory load or, put you on to some, Custom Handload's. To answer one of your questions, Double Tap does make quality ammo and they did function well, in my 10 MM Glock.
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You could buy a box of the Double Tap's and Chrono them. Hopefully, they've gotten more honest on their numbers! I have never heard any complaints on Sirrocco bullets.
The 180 grain Accubond in .30 cal is a great bullet for, accuracy and expansion !
My son was getting 3,040 FPS with, 180 AB's in his reloads, so I would think 2,950+ FPS should be avail, in Fact loads by someone! Have you looked at Nosler Ammo ?
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Nosler factory 180 ABs were listed right around 2900 fps if I recall correctly. Shot great in an xbolt. I'm not sure you'll find much better in factory trim. Maybe some slight improvements with a 165 load but I'd think that is a downgrade in on game performance if anything.
I’ve used quite a few of Double Taps offerings. The rifle stuff I’ve used has been spot on velocity wise. The 10 mm Hard Cast was not. My favorite Double Tap offering is 300 wsm 175 Barnes LRX. They list 3002 for velocity at barrel, I’m getting 3007. Overall you can’t go wrong with Double Tap.
I've done some penetration, expansion, and weight retention testing of Nosler Accubonds, E-tips, and Partitions in water jugs at 25 - 100 - 200- 300 - 400- 500 yards. You would really be impressed with all of them. The Accubonds are a fantastic bullet. I used 1-gallon water jugs which are kind of hard to line-up at 500 yards and keep a bullet inside the jugs, but then again it's fantastic practice and something easy to replicate and cheap! Great way to test different bullets.

At 500 yards and beyond it might be worth looking for a slightly larger type of water container to test them out.
I could be wrong, and I don't have any experience with them, but weren't nosler ab's long range built for exactly what you're looking to do? Expand at lower velocities down range? I know I looked at em for my 300wsm but that's as far as it went... Think they're a 190gr in the ABLR

Just a thought
Truth be told I really don't see myself shooting at game much past 500 yards and if that were never to change I'd buy a case of the 180 AB and be fat and happy. That said my skills are improving and I'd like the insurance of expansion further down range. Double tap site figures, all else being equal gets me to 900+ yards with the scirocco 2.

When you say finicky is it more like your rifle either likes them or it doesn't, or there's some kind of inconsistency from bullet to bullet?

Finicky about where they like to be seated. When you tweak your load just right, it’s an accurate bullet. But they aren’t as forgiving as some. The AB seems to do well at a variety of seating depths.

Of course, the ability to tweak is only available to handloaders. Just buy a box and find out.
Thanks everyone, I'll buy a box and see how they fly.

FWIW, Federal has a new LR load called the Edge TLR. It’s based off a new version of their Trophy Bonded bullet. They claim it will expand out to 900 yards.

I can’t vouch for the performance on game, as I didn’t have my 300 WSM with me when tags were filled last fall. But I can tell you that the 200 gr load shot sub MOA out of my Kimber Montana and clocks around 2875 at the muzzle.