300 Win Mag Won't Shoot - Send it back or convert to 7PRC?

Should I send it back to Bergara or convert to 7mm PRC?

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Secret option #4: sell it (with full disclosure to the purchaser) and start fresh with a new build. I used to be a champion of the Bergara, but there seem to be lots of threads and reports of poor accuracy and performance issues. At the end of the day, it's still just a Remington 700 (barf) with a pretty dress. And a dog in a dress is still a dog.

Build up a 7 PRC on a Tikka if you're so inclined, you'll be ahead in the long run.
definitely try a different scope. if you don't have a reliable one, snag a swfa fixed power right now, and keep it around for exactly this purpose in the future.

edit to add: does your barrel have the "custom" rusted internal finish?
A setback on that will be a long one......look how oversized the chamber is already.
definitely try a different scope. if you don't have a reliable one, snag a swfa fixed power right now, and keep it around for exactly this purpose in the future.

edit to add: does your barrel have the "custom" rusted internal finish?

No rust or finish issues that I've seen...
I'll add another vote for trying a different scope.

Also, you mention that you degreased and put thread locker on the mounting screws, but you didn't mention your process for scope mounting. Do you true up the bases and rings so that you're certain there's not external pressures on the scope tube? What bases and rings are you using?

Before even mounting a scope, I pull the action from the stock and make sure something isn't coming into contact with something it shouldn't be.

Since it's at the gunsmith, I'd have him measure the chamber and throat to get specifics on what you're dealing with.

If all else fails I'd move on. Years ago I'd mess around with each rifle trying to squeeze the most accuracy out of them, but I've learned that finicky rifles suck. I like rigs I can throw a number of different loads in and get good results. I also like to pull the trigger and don't always have time to load, so I like guns that do well with factory fodder.
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Apparently he's going to look at the scope mounting (not sure on checking for tracking/return to zero).

He's also going to cast the action with some sort of epoxy that will allow him to verify all dimensions of the throat, etc.

At this point I'm just curious and willing to spend local money building a relationship with a smith in case I do want to turn this into a 7PRC...
Apparently he's going to look at the scope mounting (not sure on checking for tracking/return to zero).

He's also going to cast the action with some sort of epoxy that will allow him to verify all dimensions of the throat, etc.

At this point I'm just curious and willing to spend local money building a relationship with a smith in case I do want to turn this into a 7PRC...
I wouldn't try to talk anyone out of a 7PRC, but if I were in your shoes, I'd just have to get to the bottom of it before moving on. Somewhere there's a cause for your issues. If nothing else, by digging in a guy learns what to look for in the future.
Apparently he's going to look at the scope mounting (not sure on checking for tracking/return to zero).

He's also going to cast the action with some sort of epoxy that will allow him to verify all dimensions of the throat, etc.

At this point I'm just curious and willing to spend local money building a relationship with a smith in case I do want to turn this into a 7PRC...
I just finished my 300win and pushed it to flat primer pressure and had 1.5 thou web expansion. Looking at your fired brass, it looks like about 5 plus. You can see it clearly without a chamber cast. That's no sign of good work.....not that it's THE problem, but it is an indication of the talent or give a damn of the smith.
So I got the rifle back from the gunsmith. Seems to me that it just needs a rebarrel from Bergara? I reached out to them, we'll see what they say. I've wasted about $400 in ammo and now almost $200 in gunsmithing...

  1. Scope is fine, there was some "stress" present, but all torque on the fasteners was spot on.
  2. Considerable throat erosion and some fire cracking.
  3. Slug would not pass through barrel. Tight near chamber after deep clean with JB paste.
  4. Could benefit from recrown.
The throat/crown comments are surprising, as I've only ever single-fed slowly. It has less than 200 rounds through it and most of that is very slow paced shooting trying to achieve MOA.

We'll see what Bergara says...
Wrench has this right. At quick glance you can tell your chamber is sloppy ahead of the belt. That’s where the cartridge headspace’s and it appears your chamber cut is way off at that location. You have way too much expansion. It’s glaringly obvious in your brass. Interestingly enough, there is another Bergara thread here that is similar where a guy has sporadic excess expansion at the same place with a 7 mag.

No scope, no recrown, no cleaning is going to fix your issue. You need a new chamber cut or probably a new barrel.

A tight barrel could also cause excess pressure and that could cause excess web expansion too (only if slop in the chamber allows it), but either way, that barrel is your next tomato stake.
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I'm going to get to the bottom of this (and probably never buy another Bergara).

This is the reply I got back from Bergara after sharing the gunsmith findings (funny that they did machine the muzzle brake and adjust headspace, though now he's saying they did nothing to it the first time and I'm just a pansy):

If your gun has been in for accuracy testing and passed our protocols in the link below, then unfortunately there is no further action we can take in regards to its accuracy.


It is unfortunate an outside gunsmith charged you $180 for his services, but I don’t see that he actually did anything from the invoice, aside from clean it with bore paste.

There are some calibers that are easier to shoot than others. The 300 Win mag is a lot hotter and heavier round than the 6.5 creedmoor, so I’m not surprised you have had a much easier time with your 6.5. There are a lot of factors that go into accurate shooting as well. On our end as a manufacturer, all we can do is bring the gun in, test it, see how it performs, and make changes if necessary. We did not experience any issues warranting corrective action of a manufacturer defect, so there is no further action for us to take on your rifle.


Brian Farrell

Service Department Manager

BPI Outdoors

[email protected]

I'd buy some cereosafe, cast the chamber.....pull the measurements and send them the results. Let them know it goes viral based on their tolerance.
I'd buy some cereosafe, cast the chamber.....pull the measurements and send them the results. Let them know it goes viral based on their tolerance.
I agree. Would allow seeing exactly what you're dealing with.

Sounds like you have a contingency plan for the rig, but it's a bummer that they're not doing more to make you a satisfied customer.

Thanks for taking the time to pass along your experiences.
I'd try another scope, and pull the barreled action out and drop back in well aligned and torque everything down to spec, all your standard checks. I didn't read all the replies so maybe you did that already. And then if it won't shoot, it's really up to you. As has already come up on this thread, I was a huge Bergara fan for a while. I really like being able to take a cheaper factory rifle on a 700 platform and build it out. But my experience is as they grew as a company their QC has really slid. The early rifles I have are gems (2017-2018) the newer ones not so much.

My other experience is that their 30 cals, both the 300 win and 308 in the B14 series are VERY picky with factory ammo (unlike my 308 gen 1 premier approach which shoots bugholes with everything). Which I'm not ok with. The reason I shoot those calibers is because they are cheap to shoot and often shoot a wide variety of factory ammo well. Every other modern 300 or 308 I've had, from a Ruger American to Tikkas, to Weatherbys all the way up to Seekins Element have been easy to get to shoot both factory match and premium hunting ammo. Which is not the case with the B14s unfortunately. You can read allllll about their picky 30 cals and slipping QC on the Bergara Facebook pages. It's a bummer, they have some cool models and solid customer service. Hopefully they get their business sorted.
I cast my vote for the 20” carbon 7PRC and a can.
Troubleshooting scope/rings in addition to anything else you do is critical.
Having said that, I agree with a previous poster that you may as well just do a new build. Tikka would be a good option but if you’re having a barrel turned you could also get one of the new ARC CDG actions for 900 or a bighorn origin for around 1k and go from there… it’s a slippery slope financially but if you’re having a barrel turned it may as well be for an action you’re excited about.
Also, for a carbon barrel I’ve had great results from Carbon6 working with Gene. Good service, good barrel, good price, I have 3.