30-06 Barnes 168g TTSX CCI 200 Lapua - Which powder RL16 or Ranshot Hunter


Nov 27, 2018
Auburn, CA
I am trying to develop a load for my son. Currently really likes the factory Barnes 30-06 ammo with the 168g TTSX. So I am trying to match that or better. My current set of "things" I can use are (and an explanation):

  • Projectile: Barnes 168g TTSX
  • Brass: Lapua Brass (new)
  • Primer: CCI 200 (currently using), have CCI 250 if I wanted to use them
  • Powder - My quandary
    • Ramshot Hunter (preferred as I am using this in my 300WM load dev, and have an 8# jug of it). Also it had actual load data on the 168g TTSX
    • RL16 (2nd choice, as I am trying to work up a 6.5CM load with it, vice my current Varget load, and I have 9# of it). Did not have any load data on the 168g TTSX
    • I have roughly a pound or so of each of the following, and don't really want to use them unless RH or RL16 just can't work
      • H4350, IMR4381, RL22, RL19, Varget, H4831SC

I'd be real curious as to anyone who has used RL16 or Hunter with the 168g TTSX, and if so, did one really stand out over the other?

Also, any reason NOT to stick with the standard primers?

Thanks in advance.
With pretty much any combination above, you're on the right track. Sure, start with Hunter and see how it does. My only thought would be the charge weight you'll need underneath the long 168 grain TTSX may fill the case more than wanted with respect to compression. Light compression in my experience is nothing to worry about. When I have to seat the bullet with a lot of resistance (due to compression) I shy away from that.

With that said, I have had better results with Barnes bullets over the past 27 years with a slower powder when given options, again without going heavy on compression.
From what I understand via the pros, H4350 is really the huckleberry for 168 grain pills in the '06. I'm doing the same thing as you right now- trying to essentially duplicate the precision of a factory load my rifle likes with a few extra FPS on top- and H4350 has done well. 56-57 grain charge weights seem to be grouping right around MOA with ES under 20, and I'm just using a basic RCBS FL sizing die for my brass prep.
I checked alliantpowder.com, and it shows loads for the 30/06 which listed both the RL16 and RL19 powders. Both loads use the standard primer, one of which is listed as CCI 200.
You can use the 165 grain bullet data, just start at a lower charge and work up.
I went with the RH for my first round of testing. Loaded up a "ladder": 60.3, 60.7, 61.0, 61.3, 61.6, 61.9 (can't get much more in the case, so stopped here). Loading up a batch at 61.3 as that seems to be a sweet spot. Will shoot 10 @ 200 to see how they group. If tight, then I am done. Will post results.

Here is the ladder:

Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 6.02.36 AM.png

Here is the grouping

I’m done. 61.3 g Ramshot Hunter. Essentially .8 MOA at 2885 FPS out of a stock Tikka 30-06 22” barrel and 1:11 twist. I pulled shot # 3 at 100 yards, so shot #4 to verify. Both the 100 and 230 groups were .8 MOA (after removing shot #3). Good enough for me!



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I’m done. 61.3 g Ramshot Hunter. Essentially .8 MOA at 2885 FPS out of a stock Tikka 30-06 22” barrel and 1:11 twist. I pulled shot # 3 at 100 yards, so shot #4 to verify. Both the 100 and 230 groups were .8 MOA (after removing shot #3). Good enough for me!

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That seems like it is cruising right a long for a 22" barrel.
I’m done. 61.3 g Ramshot Hunter. Essentially .8 MOA at 2885 FPS out of a stock Tikka 30-06 22” barrel and 1:11 twist. I pulled shot # 3 at 100 yards, so shot #4 to verify. Both the 100 and 230 groups were .8 MOA (after removing shot #3). Good enough for me!
That charge weight and velocity couldn't be more spot-on comparing to Ramshot data. Good work.