2nd Amendment Arguements


Oct 10, 2021
I do wish the statement about the militia was never recorded.....
The language of the day, clear to the founders, is a source of misunderstanding and befuddlement for many otherwise well read folks these days.

At the time of the writing, it was understood that all men of age were subject to militia service and needed to come armed.

It was also understood that “well regulated” meant accurate or precise, not burdened with rules and restrictions.


Jun 18, 2019
So....the squeaky wheel gets the grease?
The "other side", as you so blithely stated, can't get any firmer in their conviction.
They want guns banned, outlawed, destroyed.....

Sorry dude! I'm not going to sit silently by while some liberal fruitcake who thinks he is a woman tries to decide which bathroom to use!
Get in their face!
I guess if you care about winning the argument more than anything else then that’s a great approach. The get in their face approach led them to “electing” a guy who routinely shits his pants and can’t form sentences. That only happened because of the polarity we’ve created.

And I never said that we should sit silently by and let them roll over us. All I’m saying is that listening and connecting to our fellow human beings is gonna go a lot further than trying to persuade them. Can anyone honestly say they’ve convinced another person of the folly of their ways regarding the 2A through debate and argument?


Classified Approved
Feb 8, 2023
Madison, AL
So you’re saying that politicians benefit off of polarity between two different opinions on these issues? That’s exactly the point I’m trying to make. So long as we see anti gun people on the left as “the other” the politicians and globalists will continue to profit and gain power from us. Divided we fall. I’m not saying we abandon our positions, just that we listen and try to understand the other side rather than trying to win the battle of persuasion

In the UK you can be arrested for social media post if they're found to have offended a protected group. A child suggesting a female police officer looks like a lesbian is grounds for a the state to barge into your home and take your child into custody.

I have listened to them. They want to throw us and our families into gulags for daring to disagree with their worldview and not adhering to their morality of the day. I understand that this sounds hyperbolic, but I assure you that in 2024 it is not.
Dec 13, 2023
I guess if you care about winning the argument more than anything else then that’s a great approach. The get in their face approach led them to “electing” a guy who routinely shits his pants and can’t form sentences. That only happened because of the polarity we’ve created.

And I never said that we should sit silently by and let them roll over us. All I’m saying is that listening and connecting to our fellow human beings is gonna go a lot further than trying to persuade them. Can anyone honestly say they’ve convinced another person of the folly of their ways regarding the 2A through debate and argument?
Go reread post #40.
Liberals want the American public disarmed....period!
They (anti-gunners) will stop at nothing to attain that goal. They will resort to lies, mistruths, misinformation campaigns and any other tactic to achieve their goal.

Arguing or NOT arguing with them only encourages them.
Give them no quarter!

My recommendation is to repeal the GCA '34 and any gun control law passed since 1934!


Apr 20, 2022
Go reread post #40.
Liberals want the American public disarmed....period!
They (anti-gunners) will stop at nothing to attain that goal. They will resort to lies, mistruths, misinformation campaigns and any other tactic to achieve their goal.

Arguing or NOT arguing with them only encourages them.
Give them no quarter!

My recommendation is to repeal the GCA '34 and any gun control law passed since 1934!
Well said.
Dec 13, 2023
Let's get this straight.
Liberals are anti-gunners for one reason and one reason only!


An unarmed citizenry is vulnerable to any government (liberal?) whims.
An unarmed citizenry isn't capable of confronting governmental wrong doings.

The EASIEST way to "argue" with an anti-gunner, is to simply say, "NO!" and stick by your answer.
You CAN NOT compromise with an anti-gunner.
YOU have the 2A which gives you everything you need.
To compromise with them, THEY give up nothing....and gain a modicum of power!
YOU give up a portion of your 2A rights.
Each and every "compromise", the 2A is weakened!


Jun 18, 2019
Let's get this straight.
Liberals are anti-gunners for one reason and one reason only!


An unarmed citizenry is vulnerable to any government (liberal?) whims.
An unarmed citizenry isn't capable of confronting governmental wrong doings.

The EASIEST way to "argue" with an anti-gunner, is to simply say, "NO!" and stick by your answer.
You CAN NOT compromise with an anti-gunner.
YOU have the 2A which gives you everything you need.
To compromise with them, THEY give up nothing....and gain a modicum of power!
YOU give up a portion of your 2A rights.
Each and every "compromise", the 2A is weakened!
Go back and reread what I said. I don’t disagree with a single thing you said here. You’re spot on with all of that.

What I am saying is that arguing only hardens the other person’s position. If we want to make any headway with people who are locked into their leftist ideology, we have to both hold our ground AND listen to their viewpoint. There’s this huge fear that by listening we are somehow compromising or giving up ground. To listen doesn’t mean that we agree with them or even compromise. It has nothing to do with anything other than finding our common humanity. Just think of how refreshing it would be if they listened to us for once. Their side is so hopelessly brainwashed that it’s gotta start with us.

The way you approach this is by being nonreactive and saying “there is no circumstance under which I’ll ever give up my guns, but I want to hear your perspective.” If they start foaming at the mouth and spewing all the propaganda they’ve been conditioned with all you have to do is say “we’re a long ways apart, but I appreciate you sharing your perspective with me brother.” All of a sudden you create cognitive dissonance for them because they’ve been conditioned to think that we’re baby killing racist psychopaths and here they just met someone who took time to listen to them.
Dec 13, 2023
Go back and reread what I said. I don’t disagree with a single thing you said here. You’re spot on with all of that.

What I am saying is that arguing only hardens the other person’s position. If we want to make any headway with people who are locked into their leftist ideology, we have to both hold our ground AND listen to their viewpoint. There’s this huge fear that by listening we are somehow compromising or giving up ground. To listen doesn’t mean that we agree with them or even compromise. It has nothing to do with anything other than finding our common humanity. Just think of how refreshing it would be if they listened to us for once. Their side is so hopelessly brainwashed that it’s gotta start with us.

The way you approach this is by being nonreactive and saying “there is no circumstance under which I’ll ever give up my guns, but I want to hear your perspective.” If they start foaming at the mouth and spewing all the propaganda they’ve been conditioned with all you have to do is say “we’re a long ways apart, but I appreciate you sharing your perspective with me brother.” All of a sudden you create cognitive dissonance for them because they’ve been conditioned to think that we’re baby killing racist psychopaths and here they just met someone who took time to listen to them.
Sorry, mi amigo! But I'm not listening to their mindless, leftist drivel....which is all it is!
Second most, they really don't care whether you listen or not.
They see themselves as the hammer and you're just a nail.
I don't give them OR their argument ANY credence. It just encourages them.