28 Gauge Super Black Eagle 3 ongoing review thread

Feb 25, 2018
I purchased a 28 gauge Super Black Eagle 3 on a whim. Most of the reviews I've seen have been your typical bought and paid for field and stream type reviews. I have benefitted from other members doing reviews of gear on their own dime so I figured I would do just a typical hunters experience with one.


First impressions were my firearm was put together fairly well. The finish on the gun was about par for a production firearm. Not amazing but not terrible.

I disassembled it to get all the packing grease off the bolt carrier group and other components and oiled them respectively with the provided oil. The machining for the trigger group cutout or the trigger group itself was on the edge of the tolerance band I think because it was very snug getting it put back into the gun. Not necessarily a bad thing but something I noticed.

Other things I noticed were the carbon fiber rib looks neat but I question it's durability, I know High Prairie Sportsman on the YouTube had his split in half when shooting at duck so time will tell. The red bead was on the larger side, but works fine for me. If you're not a fan of larger beads you probably wont like it.

Another thing to note is the ejection plate is different than either the 12 or 20 in it's design, it also looks like another point that could fail given what catches the shell is a tiny little feature that sticks out in the path of the shell to catch the edge of the shell.


My first trip out shooting it went well. The gun cycled AA 1300 fps 3/4 oz. trap loads. I put about 50 shells through it with zero issues. Recoil was minimal but still enough to let you know the gun is there. The gun is light so it shoulders fast (I think it's in the 5.5 is lb. range). I liked how fast it shouldered for what I was doing but I imagine some might call it whippy when swinging it.

I was throwing my own clay and shouldering the gun and shooting. It took me a minute to get used to it but started smacking clays regularly with it. My only slightly neutral to negative feedback after my first trip out is the trigger is not excellent but its also not too bad.

And lastly if you have fat thumbs, it may take a second to get used to loading this gun. I had a few shells spit back out of the magazine tube at me because I didn't get them to clear the shell catch when loading.


I attempted a first pattern out of it. Shot with the factory modified choke shot a 35 paces (I'm taller so it's close to 35 yards). These guns have a reputation of shooting high. From the looks of this one it's at least going to be a decent split say maybe 70//30 or even better. I will do a formal patterning down the road with hunting ammunition.

I will continue updating the thread as I go. Hope you enjoy reading it.


Aug 15, 2020
I have one of these (26” B.E.S.T) and have been using it for everything since the summer. So far I’ve shot a few cases of sporting clays, a limit of doves (Winchester xpert steel 6’s) and a few limits of ducks with Hevi XII 6’s. So far I’ve been quite happy by how little it has changed my ability to kill birds and clays compared to a 12 or 20 gauge. Ammo cost is definitely higher but not terrible if you already. I had one failure to feed but I was mid sit-up coming out of an invisman without my feet planted so that likely was not a gun mechanical issue.


Apr 8, 2018
OK - looking forward to hearing more from those who have one. Good to see nothing materially negative above.

I was just duck hunting in SC and heard some great stories from friends about the 28g for waterfowl, with the caveat that those guys are shooting 3" higher quality ammo be used (two guys specifically mentioned BOSS copper plated bismuth). Since I'm a known small caliber convert (with the corresponding inability to be able to handle recoil), I figured 28g would be a good thing to try out.

I briefly thought about getting the 28g Ethos, but I didn't like the idea of the ported barrel, and the differences didn't seem to justify the price difference. And the BE.S.T. coating sounded helpful.

What ammo are you all using?


Apr 15, 2020
Love my 28ga. Shoot it for everything:
Doves/Geese Early Season.
Pheasants/Ducks/Geese regular season

Doves I'll use regular clay/target loads, 2-3/4" #7.5 or #8 whatever cheapest. Actually, if I go public and have to use non-toxic. I'll use 3" Boss #7s

Early Geese, I have some left over 3" Boss #3s

Ducks, Boss 2-3/4" #4s

Pheasants, Winchester Super Pheasant 3" #5s (it's a 1-1/8oz load, that's a 20ga!)

Geese, Hevi-Xii 3" #4s (I hammered a goose at 55 yds with this load this yr.)

Now later in the season when the Geese are further and wising up, ill switch to my 12ga.

Ideally I like to use 3" loads for my 28ga but I got a bunch of 2-3/4" so I'll use that up.

But I'll say that this year I patterned it and GLAD I did because I switched the shims and got it to pattern MUCH better. I also played with my chokes and am much happier with a Mod as opposed to the IC I was using.


Nov 4, 2024
I’ve had the 28 ga SBE 28” BEST for a little over a year now. Works great for quail. I use the AA 7 1/2 1300 fps shells. No issues at all. Use it for sporting clays now and then as well. If you want different chokes the Ethos 28 gauge chokes are the same.