.277 and/or .338 Bullet Recommendations


Sep 21, 2024
Basically the title. There's a lot of discussion on "the" 223, 6mm, and 6.5mm hunting bullet, but not much on either of these. I'm assuming a lot of people are going to default to the 145, 230, and 270 eld-x, which I get, but what else is out there that's good? Maybe it's just my desire to be different but the eld-x doesn't really draw my attention that much.
Can't comment on the .277, but for the 338, the 250 grain Lapua Scenar or the 250 grain Berger Elite Hunters are both good options.
I think with the 338s, it depends on case capacity. For something in the 338 Lap / 338 Edge cartridges, the 250gn Berger Elite hunter is a good option. For the bigger capacity cases, the 300gn Berger Elite hunter or 285gn ELD-M are good options.

In the 270, I have loaded up the 150gn Accubond in my sons 270WSM, and the 170gh Elite Hunter in my WSM, but these are new builds for us and neither of us have shot anything with these yet.
Have been using a 140 gr AB out of my .270. WSM for many years now with good results.

Also have been using the 150 gr ABLR out if my kids' (adults now) .270 Win with good results.
I shot the 145 eld-x out of my .270 Tikka for a while. I made the switch to the 140 gr. vld and haven't looked back.
How does the 140 vld perform? Mainly high velocity impacts (above 2700fps if you have any) and neck length. The 270 is likely to kill everything from 90lb whitetails at under 100yds to elk out to (possibly) 500yds.
.277 I have used 130 SSTs extensively with always excellent results out to 800 meters on varmint hunts and closer on deer. Mates hunt with 145 ELD-X with excellent results. Another uses monos with excellent results. Another uses generic soft points with excellent results.

Pretty much with the 270 hitting anything at 3,000+fps is going to work if it has any kind of expansion. Shoot what your rifle likes best and don't worry about it. It kills everything from rabbits to elk and probably well beyond.

For 338 LM I use 285 ELD-M for match and some hunting for pests. I don't use it for deer hunting as it's way too much calbre so can't offer much there. The 285s shoot really well in the 338LM. 250 Scenars also really accurate in that calibre, but haven't used that one for hunting anything.
Forgot to mention - Berger 140 VLD
How are both of those bullets performing terminally?
I have only taken deer and coyotes so far, but they have been devastating. Bang, Flop at 50-200 yards on Texas does. Have yet to push it far (other than a few at 500 yd steel) or shoot anything bigger.
For 270 win, I’ve used 130, 140, 150 accubonds, 129 lrx, 145 eldx, and 150 partitions. All have worked fine on antelope, elk, deer, and Mtn goat. From tikka 270 win at 2850-3100 fps. I’ve keep returning to the 150 partition as the best do all bullet for me in a 270win. I’ve used that bullet from 14 yards all the way out to 560yards, which is as far as I ever intend to use a 270win. Results have been dead animals.
How are both of those bullets performing terminally?

I have not personally used the Bergers on anything and my recommendation is based solely on having really good performance with the heavy 30 Berger EHs, but the 250 grain Scenars were used to kill 3 Nilgai last January. Two were from a 338 RUM rifle and one was from my 338 Sherman Mega. I used a 225 grain Accubond for my Nilgai out of that same 338 Sherman Mega.