270 wsm update test


Jul 12, 2012
 IMG] 300 yds 63.5 gr of rl19 140 ab factory length. First time I have ever shot paper past 100 yds. I shot this group except the 5 th pretty fast. I left the gun sit 5 minutes before I shot it. Do you think the warm barrel made them go right or shooter error
We plan on testing this load again with 2-3 minutes between rounds to see if I shot them to fast and warmed up the barrel too much. It is also hard to have pinpoint aim with a 10x scope at 300 yds. I did my best to split the target into 4 = parts.
The load shoots well at 100 yards. It's a savage weather warrior. With a Leopold 2.5x10-40 CDs. With no dial. Wind was blowing left to right. It doesn't have the accu stock. We just started reloading. And shooting more than 100 yards. So any help or sujestions would be great. The other load was 130 hornaday interbonds. They shot lights out at 100 yards. But didn't shoot very well at 300. Why is that. Load was H 4831sc 64 grains. I think that is it. I don't have my load info. So I will have to check that...
I'd definitely say wind drift. Shots 2-4 are still well grouped just offset to the right and you did say the wind was blowing left to right. A flyer caused by a hot barrel would be well high/low, left/right from the rest of the group.
Thanks backstrap. I am going to load 5 more at 63.5. And give them a try. I found sum presure presure at 64 grains. So I will load 5 at 63.8. and give them a try. Any body no were I can get primers?? I picked a good time to start reloading.
Don't know on the primers. Just FYI, a 5 mph difference in wind at 300 yards can cause about a 3-inch difference in POI with your set-up.

Also, smarter guys than me have said that the "normal" pressure indicators that you can see or feel like ejecor slot marks on the case head or hard bolt lift might not show up until you're well above the safe pressure that the rifle was designed for. So you may want to back off more than an eight of a grain for your loads. Lots of guys back off at least a grain below where they see pressure signs, some guys go two grains. I've worked up loads before that showed no pressure signs most of the time, but on hot days did. Plus, your brass will last longer (primer pockets won't get loose) if you're not running up at the edge of safe pressure.
Thanks for the advice. I will back of sum more. I am seeing ejector marks in the case head at 64 grains The bolt was easy to lift. I have ben using mag primers with my load. But I am running short. So if I have to switch to large rifle. Could I up the charge a grain or two? I want to keep every thing the same. But with no primers available. Whats every ones sujestion here?? Thanks philw. This reloading is fun.
Real quick before I get confused, is HOT ROD and ST52V the same poster???

If you're getting pressure signs at 64 grains with RL19 I'd back it off a full 1-1.5 grains. The reloader powders are notorious for being temperature sensitive and on a real hot day could get you in trouble in the field. Chasing speed is fun on the bench, but in the field on a hunt is not something you want to worry about.

I'd say the gun is grouping well and that horizontal variation is due to the L-R wind you indicated.

If you do switch back to regular primers, start at your current powder charge and work up again. Don't assume they'll drop your pressure a bunch.

Have you run a ladder test or played with bullet seating depth? Are you measuring your bullet seating depth with a comparator gauge?

Thanks HellsCanyon. ST52V is my little brother. I have not figured out how to post pics here yet. And he was the triger man. I just reloaded the shells. I am very new to reloading. So I tried the ladder test at 100 yards lol.. Now I no better. I just finished loading 5 at 63.5. To test again. And I loaded 6 with H 4831sc. At 61.5 and going up .2 grains. Max book is 62.5. Then I went to 62.8. Three grain over max. I do not have a comparator gauge. They are just factory length. So I havent played with lenght yet. This is all new to us. We are from NW Pa. So we only ever shot 100 yards. We had to cut a right away to get 300 yards. The field we shoot across is a bit over 200. We will get 450 to 500. With sum more chain saw work. Thanks again
I have another ? I made 5 rounds of. H4831sc 63.5 grains 130 grain hornaday interlock. With a mag primer. They shot just as good at 100 yards. But at 300 they were bad. Whay is this? Should I give up on this load?
Sorry for the confusion fellows!!! He wanted me to post stuff yesterday and I told him to do it. Most of the week he is driving OTR so I'll post stuff up for him. WE will do this jointly. IT's his gun and reloads. I use to reload and gave him all our stuff. He has added to it and wants to take it to another level. I made it home for an afternoon to help remove trees and pull the triger. I have never shot that savage but did enjoy it. I will probably sell my model 70 and get a new toy this summer. Hopefully others will learn from our posts(mistakes) and improve their shooting as well. I will post another pic from sat when I get time.
This was a lader test we did. I shot 3 rounds before looking through spotter (mistake) so we numbered them 3 the last 2 rounds we numbered with 4's. we did get some of the same movement to the right on these loads as well. It could have been wind as well. Well worked just called so I have to run. There are 2 other rounds in that target labeled 64. There was another low left out of the pic. This was the hornaday load. If the gun was cleaned well before this test maybe it took a few rounds to settle in?? WE will have to watch this and learn what the gun likes. This is fun!!!!!
You would laugh at our bech set up as well. We used a plastic folding tabel, two small sand bags and some pieces of 4x4 to get the right elevation. I will build a good bench in the next few weeks.