.264 bullets in a .277 box?


Jan 28, 2015
I was reloading some 145 ELDX for my 270 Win tonight, brand new box of 100, and I got two .264 bullets in it. After weighing, they must be .264 140gr ELDMs. Anybody else have this happen? 2 seems pretty odd
Haven't had that happen but I did buy 2 packs of 130gr Hornady interlocks for my .270w and there were 6 bullets that had the cannelure noticeably closer to the point than every other interlock I've ever had.
I contacted Hornady to point out the QC issue with a batch number.
They offered to send me a free packet of bullets until they found out that I live in Australia. (Not the center of the universe) After which they just said thanks for the heads up. Guess customer service only works if you live in the USA.
Yikes, I’m gonna start looking for over things closer. Have yet to have this happen.
Yea, I was seating bullets and one slid way down the case neck. I thought, hmm weird, maybe it didn't size right. Re-sized and chamfered, same thing. So then I measured with a micrometer, sure as shit .264. Then it happened again about 10 minutes later....