25prc speeds

I'm kicking around getting a 25 PRC prefit to play with and was curious if anyone had experience with an 18" barrel and velocities produced. I assume the answer is yes, but any thoughts as to whether 2,850 or so with a 134 eldm or 133 elite hunter is a reasonable expectation? I have N565 and RL23 on hand but could be convinced to pick up some N570 if there was some overwhelming reason to do so.
2850 should be very doable I'd think. I pressured out around 3150 with 135s with a 23in barrel. So take 150 off that and that's probably gonna be top end with N565/H1000 burn rate. Rl23 will be about 30-50fps less.
It’s amazing the variation I’m seeing in similar barrel lengths on this thread.
Exactly, kinda like how many fish your neighbor caught last weekend😃

I did my pressure ladder in a snow storm on purpose, anything 3k fps and over nearly required a cheater pipe to open the bolt. 2900fps mv with these sexy long bullets keeps me above 2000fps a long ways out.

This is bat/brux 25-6.5prc 20" adg