24 AZ Elk Draw

Is there a way to tell which hunt or who drew? I've got a hold, but I've got the wife and three kids in too...
The next best thing after hunting, checking draws, my heart is racing like a big buck just walked out...
haha same boat...except anxiously awaiting to see if i drew early archery or late rifle. i thought i had zero chance but decided to check the CC and saw the pending charge from earlier today :oops:
huge congrats to everyone who got lucky this year and wishing you even better luck come fall!
Back to the lifetime hunting license thing. Do other states that offer lifetime license's put them in the resident pool or non-resident pool? (of course not living in that state anymore) Just asking? The benefit I see is not having to pay AZ the non resident license fee yearly for the draw. Never heard of the holders being put in the resident pool?
Idaho does. Lifetime holders once they change residency pay the NR fees and are put in the Res Pool
Now I can check 3737474 times today just to be disappointed. I only have 3 points so it’s a long shot.

Good luck all.

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Just plan on that same approach for the next dozen years or so. Set expectations low so you can be proportionally disappointed!
Unbelievable, first year applying and I didn't draw an early archery tag.

I am going to write my state senator and make sure they he writes a bill that turns Idaho into a preference point state so I can be at the leading edge of this point creep, my kids' future hunting opportunities be damned!
Awesome, I was just seeing guys saying late rifle. Simply trying to hold out hope lol. Congratulations to everyone who drew, good luck on you hunts!
My group drew (had a card pending charge hit this morning), can’t wait to get together with three of my friends who have never met each other but all like to spend time outdoors. Reason to come out is ostensibly a meat hunt, but the best part will be the camaraderie and elk camp get together with stories and hopefully a few stories of “the elk was right there!” I can’t wait.
Considering filming part of the hunt this year as I enjoy the filming and editing and would enjoy showing the product to my kids who will hopefully be joining in a few years.
No CC charge for me. I seem to be about 1 year on the wrong side of point creep for elk.
Congrats to all that drew…..ya pricks! Going to be several more years for many of us. Best of luck this fall!