I got to try out the 77TMK opening morning up here in the northeast. 181lb dressed 4pt whitetail.
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Howa mini action 16”
Hinged bottom metal (6+1 capacity)
77TMK MV @ 2680fps
80yd impact velocity est @ ~2440
Broadside impact in shoulder just behind the scapula and joint. The deer walked 20yds and expired in less than 30seconds. No bloodtrail from the entrance wound, a few specs of blood from caughing. Bloodtrailing would have been difficult as pointed out by others.
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Through entrance side rib bone
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Cause severe pulmonary hemmorraging and severed the aortic arc. Bullet traveled ~16” and stopped in the offside hide with a smaller (1.5”) exit out of the thoracic cavity.
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The performed as other here have suggested. Three fragments including the jacket base, petal, and core were recovered separated but resting together. 42.5 grains (55% weight retention) and maximum diameter of the jacket was 0.675”, the lead base expanded to .440”.
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I was very pleased with the terminal performance. I was able to clearly see my impact through the scope and stay on the deer. I had the opportunity to pic my shot through trees and brush which is not very common up her in the “big woods”. We often have to take moving or running quick shots when tracking deer in the snow. I personally believe this combo is up to the task because I can get back on target much faster for follow up shots and the TMK performed as well if not better than other 30cals in similar scenarios I have had.