Just realized I never posted up these results from back in January... I'll just show it here.
I had put a new stock (Stockys VG2), new scope (Maven RS1.2), and new rings (UM Tikka Rings) onto my Tikka .223 20" factory barrel 8 Twist rifle. It had been sighted in and shot with around 1,000 rounds of Hornady factory 73 ELDM with that setup with good results.
I was convinced by the data and results from
@PNWGATOR , and a few others in this thread to switch over to the 77 grain TMK as I'd like to deer hunt with this rifle this year. I bought a bunch of factory black hills ammo using the aforementioned bullet.
First shot as a baseline at 100 yards (interesting deviation from the 73 ELDM). Using the Maven MIL reticle as a ruler as per
@Formidilosus sight in method I moved right .4 MIL and took a second shot. I moved it back left .1 MIL and didn't touch it again.
The next 48 shots were in the left square, scope on 8-10ish power, only time between shots was to reload magazines. This was shooting from a folding plastic table with short spartan bipod up front and puffy jacket wadded up as rear rest. Calm winds, 55 degrees.
I have since shot around 1,500 rounds with this rifle setup and ammo, and haven't had anything but excellent results so far.
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