.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

I don’t think it’s worth arguing about, it’s suspicious 4th hand info at best, and assume a lazy attempt to stir the pot. Even the screen name “bull respecter” is suspicious in context
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I don’t think it’s worth arguing about, it’s suspicious 4th hand info at best, and assume a lazy attempt to stir the pot. Even the screen name “elk respecter” is suspicious in context
I agree and don’t want a brigade over there. It’s wild to get used to the meticulous stuff posted here and contrast it with what the truth would be if everyone got to vote on it.
Yeah there’s a few of these. Though TBF it’s more calls to ban hunting generally or people arguing about whether green tipped .223 ammunition even exists
What are you referring to with your “yeah, there’s a few of these” statement?


Have you ever shot a big game animal with a .223 inside of 450yds with a Black Hills factory 77TMK?
What are you referring to with your “yeah, there’s a few of these” statement?


Have you ever shot a big game animal with a .223 inside of 450yds with a Black Hills factory 77TMK?
Man, I really signaled my intent poorly. I meant that I had found a few highly negative comments referring to this thread as if it were somehow responsible for this wounded animal. Sounds stupid to me, but apparently not to anyone else offering comment.

I was not seriously suspicious of someone here having taken that shot. I thought “oh neat, the megathread is getting amplified on a larger platform. Maybe greater acceptance will eventually lead to relaxed caliber restrictions. Uh oh wait they are angry and dumb.”

I’ve missed some of the thread as it has evolved - is there anyone putting pressure directly on regulatory/legislative bodies to keep this well away from snowballing into the next “you all need to shoot copper now”-diktat?
Bobbing and weaving!!
I suppose I don't know why I should be concerned about hearsay, for some reason I would rather focus on results shown on this thread.
I'm confused, who necropsied the dead elk?

Was a green tip just magically laying on the surface?

Or is it just RS is so popular someone threw that idea out there and it caught on?

The pseudonymous OP and a Montana FWP biologist were cutting it up in the field and found an encysted polymer tip and bullet fragments that gave them the impression of being from a .224 caliber bullet. OP acknowledged that this was speculative and that a bigger gun wouldn't have helped this situation.


Furious audience latches onto the speculative comment about caliber, and Rokslide gets a few mentions as bureau of misinformation. Occasional contrarian meets line-in-the-sand moral conviction about a few hundredths of an inch of bullet diameter. Why is this intensity of feeling reserved for the most trivial distinctions?
The pseudonymous OP and a Montana FWP biologist were cutting it up in the field and found an encysted polymer tip and bullet fragments that gave them the impression of being from a .224 caliber bullet. OP acknowledged that this was speculative and that a bigger gun wouldn't have helped this situation.


Furious audience latches onto the speculative comment about caliber, and Rokslide gets a few mentions as bureau of misinformation. Occasional contrarian meets line-in-the-sand moral conviction about a few hundredths of an inch of bullet diameter. Why is this intensity of feeling reserved for the most trivial distinctions?
A link to the actual report would be helpful. I didn't see anything mentioning RS or a Montana FWP biologist in my google search.
Found this story today. Has the links to OP on the app formerly known as Twitter

Seeing I don’t have that app, I can’t see what the comments were.

Everything is speculation at best, there are zero facts presented. Apparently the elk had been limping around for a few months, then suddenly dropped 400 pounds and collapsed out of the blue. According to the expert wildlife biologist Twitter user, the entire femur is gone but a green polymer tip and "bullet fragments of a 5.56 round" magically pop out of the middle of the mass. The article on ijr just references the exact same article on Western Journal, which is just a clickbait aggregation of Twitter posts from a single account. No links to anything from Montana FWP or any other corroborating evidence. The author (Warner Todd Huston) appears to be a semi-professional editorial writer from Chicago. Long on opinions, short on facts, but sensationalism sells and that "article" is currently the top story for Western Journal today.
Everything is speculation at best, there are zero facts presented. Apparently the elk had been limping around for a few months, then suddenly dropped 400 pounds and collapsed out of the blue. According to the expert wildlife biologist Twitter user, the entire femur is gone but a green polymer tip and "bullet fragments of a 5.56 round" magically pop out of the middle of the mass. The article on ijr just references the exact same article on Western Journal, which is just a clickbait aggregation of Twitter posts from a single account. No links to anything from Montana FWP or any other corroborating evidence. The author (Warner Todd Huston) appears to be a semi-professional editorial writer from Chicago. Long on opinions, short on facts, but sensationalism sells and that "article" is currently the top story for Western Journal today.
Thanks for looking elsewhere. Shame to see it get secondary distribution
A link to the actual report would be helpful. I didn't see anything mentioning RS or a Montana FWP biologist in my google search.
For all I know there could be an ongoing investigation and forthcoming report. If it reports that some .30 cal bullet was actually in there, the original poster might even update the thread with a correction. Kinda sucks though that any such correction's influence would amount to a rounding error compared to the original ~8 million views.
Where are people getting loaded ammo from? Anything in AK? I’ll be headed to L48 in a couple weeks so I can ship to where I’m going and fly home with it too if anywhere has it ready to ship.

Headed out west wolf hunting in April on snow machine. Talked to my hunting buddy last night and he already saw bear tracks while flying this weekend. Don’t want to carry two rifles and plan to bring an AR w/ a 16” 1:8 for our primary target. If I can find some pills, I’ll test this theory on Brown Bears inside 300 yds if the opportunity arises. But I do not load and will be too busy to learn to load my own in the given time, so does anyone have an easy button?
Where are people getting loaded ammo from? Anything in AK? I’ll be headed to L48 in a couple weeks so I can ship to where I’m going and fly home with it too if anywhere has it ready to ship.

Headed out west wolf hunting in April on snow machine. Talked to my hunting buddy last night and he already saw bear tracks while flying this weekend. Don’t want to carry two rifles and plan to bring an AR w/ a 16” 1:8 for our primary target. If I can find some pills, I’ll test this theory on Brown Bears inside 300 yds if the opportunity arises. But I do not load and will be too busy to learn to load my own in the given time, so does anyone have an easy button?
Wasilla and Anchorage sportsmans often have the Hornady 73eldm load. Alaska Ammo hasn't had any in a while but may be worth a call.
I haven't seen the 73 ELDM load. I am in a similar situation. I'd love to send some to family in the lower 48 and pick it up later.

I've seen open tipped Sierra loads but if I recall they are less consistent right?
I haven't seen the 73 ELDM load. I am in a similar situation. I'd love to send some to family in the lower 48 and pick it up later.

I've seen open tipped Sierra loads but if I recall they are less consistent right?
Less consistent terminally yes. I've found them to be very un-finicky bullets in terms of consistently shooting well with a variety of powders, charges, rifles, etc.
Where are people getting loaded ammo from? Anything in AK? I’ll be headed to L48 in a couple weeks so I can ship to where I’m going and fly home with it too if anywhere has it ready to ship.

Headed out west wolf hunting in April on snow machine. Talked to my hunting buddy last night and he already saw bear tracks while flying this weekend. Don’t want to carry two rifles and plan to bring an AR w/ a 16” 1:8 for our primary target. If I can find some pills, I’ll test this theory on Brown Bears inside 300 yds if the opportunity arises. But I do not load and will be too busy to learn to load my own in the given time, so does anyone have an easy button?
aeammo dot com has 50 ct and larger boxes of Black Hills listed as in stock.