22 Pistol Trainer: M and P Compact, Sig P322, Other??


Jan 9, 2019
Hudson, WI
I have an M and P 10MM and 45 ACP. I like the M and P but the 22 is only offered in a compact model. I wish they still offered it in the larger size. My M and P's both have 4.6 inch barrels. Any thoughts or suggestions here?

Thank You!
I have a M&P Compact 22 as well as a Ruger MkIII SS target and MkIII 22/45 Lite. Even though I shoot the MkIII Target the best of the three if I could only keep one it would be an easy choice and I'd keep the M&P Compact.

They're accurate, at least accurate enough for me, and I can't think of a single time it hasn't run flawlessly with any ammo I've fed through it. I nearly always shoot mine suppressed. The low velocity "Quiet" ammo doesn't quite have enough umphfff to cycle the slide but other than that it reliably eats everything I've run through it.
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Another vote for the TX22 comp version. I put a holosun on there along with a CGS Hydra and it's a blast.
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I’ve had an Sig P322 since they came out. Incredibly fun to shoot and eats any ammo. It’s probably our most shot gun we have. Need to buy another one as my son has claimed this one as his.
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I bought a P322 with their cheaper optic for probably 3 years? shoots 1'' groups at 30 yards, with a silencerco sparrow, and its BY far my most used weapon (maybe a 12ga as far as volume waterfowling) but I shoot the sig 4-5 times a week between running trap lines and camping, or fun plinking to varmint control around the house. We have a 1911-22 that no longer gets used and a mark II.

My .02

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On a whim, and because it was only $225, I bought a Keltec P17 as a suppressor host. I put a micro red dot on it and it is an absolute blast. No, it doesn’t group like my Ruger 22/45, but it is closer in design and feel to what I EDC.
I have owned the M&P Compact 22 for approximately 8 years, still running great. Purchased it for my younger daughter to learn about handguns, but I really enjoy it too.
I have a G22, and a Tactical Solutions .22 conversion kit. Same frame size and shoots like a dream with CCI 22's
Ruger 22/45 with a Volquartsen sear is excellent.

Dump the magazine disconnect for a Tandem Cross and you’re set.
I have th compact version of the TX 22 but I will echo the others that accuracy and reliability have been great.
I had one. Great ergonomics and it ran fine without a can. Accuracy was okay for tin can plinking, but it would NOT run with a suppressor. The barrel will drag on the frame and not fully return to battery. Explained this to Taurus upon return. They put a new firing pin in and told me to get another suppressor. I sold it, last chance for Tauruses from me.
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I had the M&P, its a great option. I also had a Ruger 22/45 with all the VQ upgrades, and it was also very good. But the P322 is on another level, just an amazing little gun. I guess after selling the hot garbage Mosquito forever, Sig owed us a really, really good 22. Its a riot with a can.
TX22 I have had 2 and both been very reliable and accurate. Almost exclusively shot supressed. Great value.
If it is a training pistol, make sure there is availability of the same model/retention/style holster your non-training pistol uses, and the same style sights.
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