The .17 HMR is great for making Rabbits do Backflips! Makes Rabbit hunting fun, if you have the right terrain type for it. Sit back like 80yds from places where you know they like to show up at, then snipe 'em. Flat to 125yd so just put he crosshairs on 'em and good to go. Unless 25yds and under.
But it's not good to body shoot them, makes a mess with their nasty smelling large intestine contents. One I hit? It quite literally instantly gutted him and split apart his pelvis at 60yds. Was a standing freehand shot so to be cautious I allowed myself to aim more into the meat of the body, rather than a headshot or shoulder shot. Everything below the Diaphragm inside the body was GONE! Poor guy proceeded to attempt to crawl away with just fronts so had to run over there and finish it.
Furthest Ground Squirrel to date has been 104yds LRF'd off sticks.
I'd be very surprised if in a calling situation where it's like 80yds and under if it wouldn't work everytime, as long as it's placed right. And you try to avoid purposefully gunning for the larger bones to ensure proper penetration. You have to remember this amount of grains is in the weight range of what a typical .22 Cal AirRifle shoots. Just 2.5x faster.
In my testing of the round one time, I found some mild steel tubing maybe 1/4" or 3/8" thickness and approx 2in diameter. The Hornady NTX 15.5gr were piercing thru the first wall of the tubing, were stopped by the second wall, at 100yds. Also there was a Mule Deer scapula, so I also placed that at 100yds and after hitting it several times, I tried to aim for the thicker parts of it. And it went thru it each time no problem.
In this pic you can see the piece of tubing, and how it's dented up, most likely I'm guessing from soft-lead rounds I'd guess. Some look like 38/357 sized, other hits looked possibly larger like .44/.45 The projectile recovered from the tubing shot is there beside for reference.
For something like yotes, it perhaps might be more wise to opt for the heavier 17gr and even 20gr offerings there are. But here in CA has to be lead-free so those 20gr offerings, which I recall were FMJs are out.